Hi! Wondering if I have a Basenji mix.

  • Determining breeds in a mix is always hard, but I could see her being part basenji. She might also have some chihuahua, judging by her face. Such a cute girl!

  • She is darling! I have no idea what she is mixed with, though if you really care a dna test might help. Regardless, what a character!

  • @himalayangypsy Let's see.... she is up on the piano & she is up on your back!! Okay, she likes to climb, the cute little thing! I'd like to know...When do the piano lessons start?? She's sweeeet!!

  • Thanks for the responses! To answer the vocalizations question, she does bark but she also howls and does some other odd vocalizations not quite the Basenji noises. She is definitely not a purebred though.

    She hasn't started piano lessons... 🙂 but I started her on some agility training a couple of years ago which she was doing well at but at her own pace.... She doesn't play fetch and wasn't as much interested in playing tug with a toy so it was hard finding the right things to motivate her. I might have to start her again but I moved and will have to find a new instructor.

    Hope you all had a Merry Christmas and we wish you a Fantastic 2017.

  • @himalayangypsy When you get some more of those "got ya'" pictures when she's doing some of those super cute things....Please post them in here!! She's cute as can be & I bet she's got a boat-load of surprises left for you!! Thank You!! 😉

  • @Nancy-Berry Thanks. I have a ton of pics of her. She is always doing something photo worthy. I post on instagram and tag hers #trickytrixie. Here are a couple more for your enjoyment! 😃

    2_1483094545959_IMG_4263.jpg 1_1483094545959_IMG_4267.jpg 0_1483094545958_IMG_4161.jpg

    Happy New Year!

  • @himalayangypsy She is so funny & serious at the same time!! lol .... You have a "1in a million" mix! In other words....what ever mix she is ~ she is special .. 24 hours a day special!! You're a very lucky lady to be owned by this little girl!! 🙂

  • She seems so very happy and bonded to you. And you to her. Sometimes things work out perfect. 🙂

  • Thanks, Nancy and Debra!

    I am very lucky she found me! I have one more pic to share of her with her 2 brothers. Yes, she is the "BOSS". She adores the other stray Chico and picks on the "old man" Luc but she also defends him against anyone else who might pick on him. She misses them both whenever they are separated for any length of time but especially Chico "her boyfriend brother!". Chico was also a street stray so maybe they just understand where the other came from. Cheers and Happy New Year!


  • Oh gosh you have a trio of happy dogs! Is the one on the end part poodle or maltese or what?

  • @himalayangypsy This picture would be perfect to put on X-mas cards... even other cards, like Birthdays & put a catchy little phrase on it!! Yes indeed ~ picture perfect!

  • I was very active in the basenji world for 10 years, and I vote:
    There is DEFINITELY basenji in the mix!

  • @RugosaB
    Oh Vicki it is wonderful to see you post! Not sure if you remember me and my daughter, and Sayblee.

    I think we were at the nationals in NC together. Sayblee placed 3rd place AmBred at the BCOA Nationals, Charlotte NC Oct 2002 with Brenda Cassell handling her.

    Your dear daughter made me sig gifs that I still have and cherish!

    Hopefully it will show up! Darn, none show up... Have to click.

    http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f203/DebraDownSth/Signature Related/debraROOOO.gif

  • @DebraDownSouth The white one is pure Lhasa Apso. Interesting because he is almost twice the size of a Lhasa. However he is AKC registered. He's my old man.

  • @himalayangypsy Oh my goodness. Okay yeah, I see it clearly now.

    We had a rescue here for a while, they told us her name was HANNAH. Later they admitted it was short for "Hannibell Lecter" ... It took 6 mos, prozac and sooo much to get her over her years of abuse. Even then the home that took her, no kids, safe environment, lived in huge 3 room area with the cats, and a friend who simply learned to manage her. She lived with her happily until her death.



  • @ DebraDownSouth
    How lucky for her that she found a patient loving owner. My Chico was abused and is still afraid of lots of things. Sometimes it is hard to be patient when I have an armful and he is pulling on the leash but I try to not get mad at him as it is not his fault he has so many fears.

  • @himalayangypsy
    I suspect, as with most abused dogs, that the underlying issue is an unsound temperament to begin with. Most people assume a dog has been abused, when it really was simply a fearful dog. Severely abused dogs with stable temperaments come around pretty fast. That said , because the rescue got her from filthy deplorable conditions (it took nearly 5 hours of soaking to get the feces soaked loose enough to shave her down), in a dark basement, living there nearly 5 yrs... well, unstable or not, I had to give her a try. If Sally went in and said "walkie walkie" and Hannah came to her, she took her for a walk. If she growled, she came back later. She loved curling up with the cats, they loved her, and Sally had a heart of gold. If she'd been a large dog, I'd have had to put her down. As it was, she was manageable.

  • @DebraDownSouth Bless yer heart Deb...I hate hearing what some people can do to an animal but then there are people like you..who come along, pick up the pieces & make every effort to give them a good, rest of their life! I think that the person who did that to that poor, defenseless & innocent dog, should be done exactly the same way!! Grrrrrrrrrr!! Makes you wonder "what" is wrong with a human to do this! There are reasons (I guess) & there are "excuses". I know some are M.I. (reason) but there should be someone or a group, keeping an eye on a person with M.I. & the one's with the "excuses" ... well, there's no excuse for them other than they are just mean & can't bully someone their own size so they pick on a little animal. Most other people probably wouldn't even have taken on that poor little dog & if they did, may not have tried as hard & long as you! You'd make a good dog psychiatrist!

  • @DebraDownSouth Chico was definitely abused but has come around a lot. I could never get a sweater on him to start with but now he loves it and lifts up his head and paws to put it on. He had a huge bruise on his nose and I think some of his pain problems now are from then. He had ribs showing through as well. A dog who flinches at sudden movements or barks at certain types/looks of people, probably has a reason why.

  • @himalayangypsy I'm sure you're right about dogs having a reason when they flinch & bark at certain movements. It's just sad that any human can make a dog, no matter what size the dog is, be afraid of certain movements or noise. They just ruin a dog's life & for what? Their own sadistic problems. It really is a sad world we live in but then, you read or watch people who rescue these dogs & clean them up & show them that not all people are bad. Most dogs come around after a while but they shouldn't have to go thru abuse/neglect to start with. But we have the same problems with adults doing the same things to children. They aren't as easy to bring back around...they just can't get away from what they remember has happened to them. Sick, sick, sick people!

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