Zuri is such a fun loving girl. Her breeder had shown her in a couple of shows just before I got her.
She is very outgoing and showy even in the backyard with my other dogs she seems to stand out.
Right, and I just remembered they do the minpins too! Now that's asking for double-trouble :eek:
Yes she does have the Min Pins too, she has "Ace"(Ch. Altanero Barnstormer)
that is in the top ten in the country(currently #6). Those things are just a little to hyper for me.:eek:
We are currently setting up a petition to get some FENCED dog parks in our area. The last time they were ready to begin construction people in the neighbourhood protested that they didn't want an ugly fence in their park…though they wanted an even bigger fence around the kids play area. sigh