Patty nailed it… when you have an issue, you have to go back as if a puppy and start anew, which means you leash her to you at all times, say NO if she starts to go, take her out, praise and treat. The good news is unlike a puppy, it will go faster. But making really sure the room has been cleaned of odors using some enzymatic sprays/cleaners is a must.
Evergreen Basenjis Club Specialty Trial Results
Results for the American Sighthound Field Assoication, 8/4/06
Evergreen Basenji Club, Specialty Trial
Judge: David Denis
Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03 Pass
Cherry - Blue Notes Nina Simone Cherry HP137705/01 Fail
Zepar - Saorsa Zepar of Jamadari HP136276/02 Pass
Kody - Blue Notes Jazz Singer Kody HP137705/06 Pass
Dylan - Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin HM984862/03 Pass
Stevie - Fopaws Atarasi Makesuwonder HP129607/04 Pass
Cert Total 6Open, Flight A
#3 Joya - Kazor Bay-Senji Mi Joya HP079013/02
NBQ Lacey - Blue Notes Swing Song HP137705/05
#1 Lola - Khadija's My-Tym Alone HP131071/01
Saylah - Jumoke's Saylah of Baraka HP137416/02
#2 Zumi - Tis-A Zumi Wild Child HP080703/04
#4 Macy - Taji-Platinum One Day Sale HP088648/03
Trance - Jumoke's Gypsy Trance HP140446/01
Kody - Blue Notes Jazz Singer Kody HP137705/06
Bowser - Sroka's Bowser HN01081405
Sober - Fopaws Designated Driver HM942453/04
Flight A Total 10Open, Flight B
#4 Chaka - Tis-A-My-Tym To Rule HM991001/01
Ki-Ju - Zuri's Ki-Ju at Amun HP169451/01
Ruby - Tis-A-'Senji's Ruby Red HP080703/05
Zinger - Chi-Tig's Red Zinger HP079935/06
#1 Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03
#3 Luke - Platinum Taji Abercrombie HP088648/01
#2 Max - Jumoke's American Dream HP137416/03
Zepar - Saorsa Zepar of Jamadari HP136276/02
Dylan - Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin HM984862/03
NBQ Stevie - Fopaws Atarasi Makesuwonder HP129607/04
Flight B Total 10FCH
NBQ Diva - Fopaws Lead Singer HM942453/02
#4 Gussie - Tis-A Zuri Bandit Princess HN012549/08
Jumoke - Bordeaux African Jumoke HM996156/03
#3 LeVi - Tis-A FoPaws Under D'Influence HM942453/01
#1 Meeka - Dragnquest Khadijah Meeka HM929479/01
Bibi - Jumokequita African Bibi HM996156/05
#2 Topaz - Platinum and Nelson at Taji HP088648/02
Luxor - Jumoke Quita African Luxor HM996156/02
Celie - Etukon A Selkie From Finchory HP023404/04
FCH Total 9Single
#2 Busu - Kuvunjika Mguu Tis-A Busu HN012549/05
#3 Buzz - Fopaws N Bajoran After Hours HM942453/07
#4 Chilly - Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N' Chills HN012548/01
NBQ Zeek - Zuris Muziki Blue Note HN012507/02
#1 Lucy - Jamaa-Tanza Makindu HP032692/09
Ciara - Ali'i's Petite Syrah HM616870/04
Moku - Etukon Conoisseur of Chaos HP023404/05
Single Total 7Vet
#3 Tootsie - Akuaba's Quita Sizzler HM675849/04
#2 RJ Taji's - Quarterback Sneak HM877090/02
#1 Noelani - Etukon Blackwater Banshee HM743619/03
Vet Total 3Total in Trial 39
Best of Breed
Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03Breeder Stake
Noelani - Etukon Blackwater Banshee HM743619/03
Celie - Etukon A Selkie From Finchory HP023404/04
Total Points 278Kennel Stake
The two Kennels finished tied, with combined scores of 279 each:Chilly - Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N' Chills HN012548/01
LeVi - Tis-A FoPaws Under D'Influence HM942453/01Max - Jumoke's American Dream HP137416/03
Trance - Jumoke's Gypsy Trance HP140446/01Oldest Vet Award
CiaraTurtle Award
SaylahDog's titles not shown
This was a wonderful trial, thanks to everyone who helped make this event possible. The 6 certifications and trial of 39 was one of the largest entries EBC has had for an ASFA specialty event. The certifications and trial was completed in approximately 5 and 1/2 hours. Consider all the ties we had, the trail went very well, and move along wonderfully. Again, thanks to everyone who made this trial possible.