Evergreen Basenjis Club Specialty Trial Results
Results for the American Sighthound Field Assoication, 8/4/06
Evergreen Basenji Club, Specialty Trial
Judge: David Denis
Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03 Pass
Cherry - Blue Notes Nina Simone Cherry HP137705/01 Fail
Zepar - Saorsa Zepar of Jamadari HP136276/02 Pass
Kody - Blue Notes Jazz Singer Kody HP137705/06 Pass
Dylan - Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin HM984862/03 Pass
Stevie - Fopaws Atarasi Makesuwonder HP129607/04 Pass
Cert Total 6Open, Flight A
#3 Joya - Kazor Bay-Senji Mi Joya HP079013/02
NBQ Lacey - Blue Notes Swing Song HP137705/05
#1 Lola - Khadija's My-Tym Alone HP131071/01
Saylah - Jumoke's Saylah of Baraka HP137416/02
#2 Zumi - Tis-A Zumi Wild Child HP080703/04
#4 Macy - Taji-Platinum One Day Sale HP088648/03
Trance - Jumoke's Gypsy Trance HP140446/01
Kody - Blue Notes Jazz Singer Kody HP137705/06
Bowser - Sroka's Bowser HN01081405
Sober - Fopaws Designated Driver HM942453/04
Flight A Total 10Open, Flight B
#4 Chaka - Tis-A-My-Tym To Rule HM991001/01
Ki-Ju - Zuri's Ki-Ju at Amun HP169451/01
Ruby - Tis-A-'Senji's Ruby Red HP080703/05
Zinger - Chi-Tig's Red Zinger HP079935/06
#1 Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03
#3 Luke - Platinum Taji Abercrombie HP088648/01
#2 Max - Jumoke's American Dream HP137416/03
Zepar - Saorsa Zepar of Jamadari HP136276/02
Dylan - Zindika Svengali Daring Dillin HM984862/03
NBQ Stevie - Fopaws Atarasi Makesuwonder HP129607/04
Flight B Total 10FCH
NBQ Diva - Fopaws Lead Singer HM942453/02
#4 Gussie - Tis-A Zuri Bandit Princess HN012549/08
Jumoke - Bordeaux African Jumoke HM996156/03
#3 LeVi - Tis-A FoPaws Under D'Influence HM942453/01
#1 Meeka - Dragnquest Khadijah Meeka HM929479/01
Bibi - Jumokequita African Bibi HM996156/05
#2 Topaz - Platinum and Nelson at Taji HP088648/02
Luxor - Jumoke Quita African Luxor HM996156/02
Celie - Etukon A Selkie From Finchory HP023404/04
FCH Total 9Single
#2 Busu - Kuvunjika Mguu Tis-A Busu HN012549/05
#3 Buzz - Fopaws N Bajoran After Hours HM942453/07
#4 Chilly - Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N' Chills HN012548/01
NBQ Zeek - Zuris Muziki Blue Note HN012507/02
#1 Lucy - Jamaa-Tanza Makindu HP032692/09
Ciara - Ali'i's Petite Syrah HM616870/04
Moku - Etukon Conoisseur of Chaos HP023404/05
Single Total 7Vet
#3 Tootsie - Akuaba's Quita Sizzler HM675849/04
#2 RJ Taji's - Quarterback Sneak HM877090/02
#1 Noelani - Etukon Blackwater Banshee HM743619/03
Vet Total 3Total in Trial 39
Best of Breed
Tig - Baraka Prince of Abu Tig HP031289/03Breeder Stake
Noelani - Etukon Blackwater Banshee HM743619/03
Celie - Etukon A Selkie From Finchory HP023404/04
Total Points 278Kennel Stake
The two Kennels finished tied, with combined scores of 279 each:Chilly - Tis-A Arubmec's Thrills N' Chills HN012548/01
LeVi - Tis-A FoPaws Under D'Influence HM942453/01Max - Jumoke's American Dream HP137416/03
Trance - Jumoke's Gypsy Trance HP140446/01Oldest Vet Award
CiaraTurtle Award
SaylahDog's titles not shown
This was a wonderful trial, thanks to everyone who helped make this event possible. The 6 certifications and trial of 39 was one of the largest entries EBC has had for an ASFA specialty event. The certifications and trial was completed in approximately 5 and 1/2 hours. Consider all the ties we had, the trail went very well, and move along wonderfully. Again, thanks to everyone who made this trial possible.