• First Basenji's

    Hi!!! Any tips on calming down my B? I can't seem to be able to sit quiet with him inside the house!! He can't stop moving!!! I can't even go to the bathroom without him getting in to trouble! We exercise daily. I rollerblade with him for 8km at a 25km/hr average speed. And I take him to the dog park once a week to socialize.
    Is there any chance he will calmn down with age? !![0_1463931486304_image.jpeg](Uploading 100%)

  • How old is he? He may become calmer as he matures. One thing comes to mind, though: you skate with him for 8 km at high speed. That means he has used his muscles, but not his nose and brain. He has to sniff out the world (like we read our email and look at forums and facebook). This will engage his brain and will tire him. Instead of roller blading, just walk him on a leash and let him explore. Do the exploring together, it's fun and may work wonders. Keep us posted.

  • Exactly, you need to engaged his brain..... not just the physical. Long easy works along with roller blade is a good idea also. But work not just the body. When at home do "brain" work. Doesn't have to be for hours, but at least 5 to 15 minutes a day. Play hide and seek games in the house. When on walks, engage the brain with training.. like doing sits/downs, stand stay... might not totally slow him down at home, but certainly will help

  • First Basenji's

    He's 16 months old. I did hire a personal trainer, and accomplish basic training, basenji style with no immediate come, short stay and no heel what's so ever ๐Ÿ˜œ Lol. But now that you mention it, I haven't been paying much attention to brain stimulation. I will try that. Any games in mind? He won't fetch...not that I expect him to...

  • Try Agility. A Basenji isn't a dog who will just sit on the couch all day-they need to run and you need to keep the mind busy.Idle paws are the Devil's workshop!

  • @Muro-Pads said in Hiperactive 16 month old B...:
    He won't fetch...not that I expect him to...

    Try this. Teach him "pick it up". You can clicker train this action easily with close approximations. Start with his favourite toy. Once he has the concept, add other articles, name them, and get him to choose between them by name. Reward the correct response. It will keep his brain busy and also lead to a useful companion when he will retrieve things to you by name.......and it's a lot of fun, besides! ("pick it up" leads naturally to fetching).

  • @Muro-Pads said in Hiperactive 16 month old B...:

    He's 16 months old. I did hire a personal trainer, and accomplish basic training, basenji style with no immediate come, short stay and no heel what's so ever ๐Ÿ˜œ Lol. But now that you mention it, I haven't been paying much attention to brain stimulation. I will try that. Any games in mind? He won't fetch...not that I expect him to...

    Well, you should be able to get an immediate come in an enclosed area. Even if you use a 40 ft line and reel him in, it does help. And heeling... they can do it but it's more fun not to. ๐Ÿ™‚

    My basenjis all played fetch, btw. I start out with them inside, tossing the toy up in the air, playing tug with it... get REALLY revved up...toss off bed. They get it, bring back. Happy reward, more play. Then I work to the hall way. And I had to admit, once outside, it's 20/80 on getting it back more than a time or 2. HOWEVER, I took a lunge whip, tied a toy to it, and can get them to chase it in circles til their tongues hang out.

    As for mind/senses use. Teach scent games. ๐Ÿ™‚ My daughter used peanut butter on treats and went in room, down hall, places in the house, eventually outside. She was 8 working with a rottweiler who has far less ability than our basenji. ๐Ÿ™‚ Here's a page with some tips


    Dog toys that they have to manipulate to get the treat help. I have to admit mine never liked them unless they were so noisy you needed ear plugs. Favorite ever was a freaking heavy wigler milk jug which I could throw a few treats in, toss outside and let the dog knock it all over the yard getting the toy out. But not really that mind stimulating once they figure it out. I keep looking at this one but not sure how well Cara would go for it:


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