Since this is a bit old and there hasn't been a reply I wanted to touch base with you.
How about some pictures of Kona's hocks.. that would be helpful to see.
Hope she is doing better and her weight loss is gradually coming down.
Back from a long absence, still have my pack of 3 plus one not a B but she thinks she is.
Greetings from Houston, I haven't posted in 7 years, Ive been busy with my 3 basenjis 1 Tibetan spaniel, one snake , one fish. weddings , publishing my Natural Awakenings magazine and just living.
My hubby finally got out hugh back yark secured, 6 foot fences not chain, they climbed up on those. The boys never like it indoors, so we have a giant dog house with a heater, fill it with hay, and they are happy campers. -
Welcome back! Hope you like the new forum design.