I wanted Brando to at least have some breakfast, but he wouldn't eat a lot. So I tried to split it equal amounts and he would always leave some. Then I gave him a smaller amount in the morning and then larger at night and that was the right balance and he now eats both meals fully. You might just experiment to see what might work if you really want her to have two meals.
Also, I completely agree with Pat about controlled feeding. I think picky eaters then understand that if they want something to eat, they bettter get it now or they'll be waiting a long time. Ruby was REALLY picky until I switched food. Brando is still picky on occasion. Both have missed meals because they didn't eat within a set amount of time. One reason I really like controlled feeding is that if they are sick and not eating, you know itβ¦also, it helps with controlled "output" as well.