My boy Duke
Wow! Great picture…and congrats! Keep sending more of those cuties!
Thank you Sunny - Of course I think both my boys are adorable. I'll try and use Got one more I think is puppy cute.
Don't you just love it when puppies fan their legs out and back like this picture? Do they outgrow the ability when they are adult? I hope not. It is so cute. :)
I just got prompted to use and with a bit more fiddling, I think I got it. I'll try and remove the .jpg files and replace with this option - if it works. (fingers X crossed) :confused:
Editing here . . .
needed to use the IMG box . . . if I was only patient to read directions!!!
I love the crate pictures, and who wouldn't love the puppy pics…..very nice.
What a beautiful B and it's clear he gets lots of love. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you to use, at last I can see Duke's pics, nice dog!
He is just beautiful!
Thank you for the compliments. Yes he is loved - gets loads of attention. Duke and my son are so good together - like brothers. Though he was a very cute puppy, I was worried because he was a major handful, unlike any other sweet puppy I've ever had. He is the perfect fit now that training and maturity have taken hold.
Does Duke look like he is all Basenji? You may remember reading that I didn't know what he was until he was 6 mos old. He hasn't ever been seen, except in pics I sent to the Basenji Companions Club and here. He looks like the other black/white Basenjis. I don't know if it matters unless I decide to go further with lure or agility competitions. What do I need to do to get him registered Basenji? Any advice you may offer is appreciated. Thanks.
how old is duke now? what is his height and weight? he looks all b to me. lots of white on him, just no curly tail..maybe a little bit chunky? they go through so many awkward stages as pups. probably letting him meet a reputable breeder would be the only way to ever know for sure. he always looks so sweet in his pics. i love duke's story, its so heartwarming.
He is 10 mos old - 24 lbs and about 15-16" top of shoulder. That last pic does make him look pudgy - he isn't starving for sure. He is a begger for treats of which hubby ignores my system to use for teaching/crating. It would be nice to know if he's all Basenji. An entire tail, might have made it easier for vet to decipher his breed.:confused: Did you see the white spot on his back where it looks like the tip of B tail might lay? I doubt I'll ever know if he is full-blooded - it's not terribly important because we sure are lucky that he is ours.:)
Went to Pet Expo today - saw (2) Basenji Breeders and their Bs today 1st time ever! Their B's were much thinner and not as muscular as Duke. Also the base of their cinnamon roll tail was much thinner than Dukes bobbed end. Their muzzle was shorter than Dukes and fur is much shorter. (I don't think Duke is full-blooded compared to these Bs.) I was so very excited to get to their booth! They are Michigan breeders. They had red/white and black/white. Although they mentioned Basenji features can differ?? I saw 7 or 8 and related. Breeders think if I send pics they might recognize his parents because he is black/white - more rare. Also inquired of location he was found abandoned - thinking of breeders in area.
ANYWAY - these Basenjis were so-so sweet. Very socialized with all the people mulling, petting, oohing & ahhing - especially me. One looked right at me the way Duke does. I had to look away - because I know, only I can look Duke in the eye and be licked. Don't know what this one was thinking.
I will certainly pursue finding out if Duke is full or mixed. For health reasons -
I will certainly pursue finding out if Duke is full or mixed. For health reasons -
I finally found out - Duke is determined to be Basenji mix. I contacted a gal from the Basenji Club here in Michigan. Her professional opinion was that he also has terrier. What kind of terrier - possibly Toy Fox - I need to scope out the terriers at a couple dog shows. In all though, Duke's weight and height is typical of full grown male basenji. However his fur is thicker and longer than Basenji. Also, she didn't see any facial wrinkles - and he barks. I think his muzzle is a bit longer than the Basenji's I saw at Pet Expo.
I am satisfied knowing that he is a mix. Because he was abandoned, I was worried about health problems down the road if he was irresponsibly bred by the irresponsible people that cut their tails off and dumped him and his brother.
I have to say though, he looks alot like Basenji. He has all the quirks that I totally enjoy. I look forward to getting a Basenji - when the time is right for us. I bet Duke would love to have a sister!