All 3 of my pups did well. Trog earned a GRC point in LGRA, Gambit was 2nd in the 9-12 AOAC class in both Sweeps and show, and Tempest was 3rd in 9-12 Red and White in both Sweeps and show.
BCONC Fall Specialty Brag
My boy Nicky, DC Sherwood's In The Nick of Time SC, RN, LCM was Best Opposite in Veteran Sweeps at the Basenji Club of Northern California's fall Specialty October 21. I just got his win photo and I am very proud of my handsome boy. He will 9 years old on December 20.
congrats. he is absolutely beautiful.
Congratulations to you and Nicky! He is very handsome. He looks strong as ever - 9 years old? You must certainly be very proud.
Congrats…how regal he looks!