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Lion and Tigger

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  • Welcome! I see they like a warm fire. Chase also loves sitting next to the fire. His sister Chevy is not sure about it yet! Im sure she will warm up to it soon. Jeff

  • They are SO PRECIOUS!!! Can't wait to see pics of that new puppy!!

  • So, I forgot all about this thread. I have checked the forum every once in a while, but never updated this thread.

    Here are some recent pictures of Lion and Tigger, who are litter mates and are going to be 13 years old in 3 months. Lion was diagnosed with Colon cancer and a plasma cell tumor in August of 2009. She has had surgery, IV chemo right after the surgery and three different rounds of oral Chemo as the plasma cell tumor has manifested itself in a few places. I can't say enough about the NC State College of Veterinary Medicine and the care they have given her. Tigger doesn't have to much wrong with him. He has random bouts of teeth chattering, and had a couple of seizures, which we now give him KBro for and seems totally fine.

    Lion. From Last week.

    Tigger also last week. You'll have to excuse the unmade bed, Basenjis can't be bothered to coordinate being cute with housekeeping. ;)

    Tigger likes to watch TV. This is from Toy Story. A few years back.

    A Couple of all three from the past, but I will throw some pictures of Roo up her own thread I think.

    Waiting for dinner (this was a camera phone pic and of course Tigger Moved! I will have to get me better camera out to take some shots of them together.

    One of the typical places you can find them before the sun hits the deck.

    Some actual photos we have out on a desk with them all about the same age sitting pretty much the same way.

    More pictures of Roo.

  • that last photo of the Baby Pictures in the same pose is very, very, very smooshie!!!!! love it! did you have any problems introducing a youngster to the elders?

  • Three times as adorable! Lion does have the most gorgeous eyes– like she's wearing eyeliner. Love the trio of puppy photos. :) Ava still frog sits like a puppy, even though she's now a rebellious teen.

  • What a lovely pack you have and Lion and Tigger look good for their age. Cancer is a nasty thing, I think every family has been touched by it wish they had a cure. Hoping your Lion has a good more years left in her she looks like a fighter. Also love the puppy pics.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • What great pics. They look wonderful. I am very glad Lion got through the cancer.

  • Thanks for the well wishes. Poor thing has been through the ringer, but except for one or two short times, like when she was just home after the surgery, had a feeding tube and weighed only 14 pounds, she has been feeling great and running around playing with the others.

    Are you supposed to see their ribs through the T shirt? :(

    She is definitely a Sun Dog and like I said they love fire.

  • One of Tigger. I couldn't get the camera out fast enough (I Literally didn't have time to do much more than turn it on and hold it down to take the shot.) when I went to take another one he moved so I lost the cool shadow.

    They all love the wishbones but Lion is by far the most aggressive chewer of the three. Framing could be better, but its had to get a good angle of them chewing that looks cool and not freaky.

  • What a gorgeous pack! Lion does have the most extraordinarily lovely eyes…an old soul, I feel....

  • What a great group, Lion looks an aweful lot like our Itty Bitty Basenji

  • So beautiful, all 3 of them.

    Funny how much they seem to like cartoons, eh? Anubis LOVES Scooby-Doo, but any cartoon, especially with dogs, works for her!

  • Tigger also loves horses and other dogs. Here is one from probably 10 years ago when we fired up the Breed all About it on Basenjis. He went crazy!

    And interestingly one of the dogs in that special is one of Roo's grandparents as it turns out.

  • Doing some work on the deck. Posted some of Roo, Here are Lion and Tigger chilling. They seem to like the covered porch and the patio. More varied levels of Sun to lounge in.

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