• First Basenji's

    So the ad for was HER?! how wonderful! how far away from home was she? So glad she was not hurt and got some food. That is the Basenji! Survivors! I am soooo happy for your reunion! I do so know the feeling!

  • Glad she's back, wonder what adventures she had and lucky she found the people who saved her.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • I'm happy you have your baby back!

  • oh, i just love a happy ending!

  • I am so, so happy for you!

  • The add was about her, the lady named Regina found Marta 2 days ago and posted a photo on some Texas based site..Some people I never met, call me and text me photo telling me its my dog, because I posted every day on Craigslist , plus I posted on every possible lost dogs in TX webs, someone saw my adds and text me, then another person called me telling this lady found my dog, I live in Plano , she was found far away in McKinney, 25 min to drive, 12,5 miles, but I believe she run this distance for 2 days, I got a feeling she was in someone house, I had a collar , but she was found without collar, and we had a crazy rain 2 day ago, she is scary of rain and storm, so she did run away, she looks skinny and tired , the family said, she didnt make any sound for 2 days, when she saw me she started yowling ….I could not stop crying, those people are so wonderful, all neighbors come out and were so happy for us!!!!very very nice people I have around!!!!!

  • Aw that made me cry! What nice people!

  • First Basenji's

    Great example of how your persistence + internet reach really DOES help. I'm so happy for you both.

  • First Basenji's


    Great example of how your persistence + internet reach really DOES help. I'm so happy for you both.

    Yes, indeed!!! Will always remember this story to pass on for someone who has lost a pet! Glad to hear she is safe and sound!

  • To all of you who lost a dog , please never give up!!! I just got a call from one of the basenji owner living in NJ, they lost their baby on August, she is 17 yeas old, please if you know someone around you just recently found an old basenji let me know, here is info Hi, my friend's dog went missing this morning on Valley Road between Jackson Valley Road and Jane Chapel in Mansfield. She is a red and white Basenji and her name is Cheyene. I don't have an actual pic of her but found a pic of her breed online. Please call Wade at 908-616-8338 if you find her.


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