• First Basenji's

    I see how you got the name Moby! So wild and wierd to see so much B but in white!!!! It would be interesting if you got a DNA. what a cutie, great to hear how you adopted him, from stray to your home! So many balls to play with in so little time! Take care of him, and good luck!

  • What a happy-looking boy… and look at that fluffy curled tail. Adorable!

    Now you need an Ishmael. 🙂

  • What a cutie!

    As for the DNA tests… they are mostly for fun, but accuracy... not so much yet.

  • I thought I would send a few pictures of Moby, he is proving to be quite the dog!
    Not exoticly beautiful like a Basenji tends to be, but downright Disney cute.
    He's an absolute barrel of fun that dog! He just don't stop!

  • How is Moby doing, Joanne? He sure is cute.

  • @MacPack:

    How is Moby doing, Joanne? He sure is cute.

    He is Mobylicious!!!
    Great little dog, I wonder how it came to be that he was without a home? He didn't come with any of the baggage that sometimes is associated with neglected or mistreated dogs. I'm sure glad I found him! He's got enough attitude and confidence to mix with our big dogs, he does very well with his obedience lessons, he learns fast, and he WANTS to do his lessons! Unusual 😉 His focus on his handler is dead on. He'd be a fantastic agility dog, if only I could run the course.

  • @giza1:

    He is Mobylicious!!!
    His focus on his handler is dead on. He'd be a fantastic agility dog, if only I could run the course.

    that's what distance handling is all about. 😉

  • Awww, he is just too adorable…. Definitly Disney cute, have you thought of showing him to a modeling agency in your area...

  • whoa he is a adorable… and looks like he would be the life of the party! Congratulations on your new family!

    Can't wait see hear of his DNA, I've got my money on Chihuahua too.

  • Okay … time I came out with this.....

    You remember Moby, the little dog I found on Petfinder's Basenji listing, and pulled him out of a California shelter and flew him up to Alberta, Canada. And how he was listed as a Basenji/Chihuahua, but I thought he looked more like a Basenji/JRT... and some of you agreed, and everyone thought he was cute...

    WELL... got his DNA results.... wa-a-a-ay off.
    I knew something was wrong when I realized he was FAR too obedient for a Basenji. And he doesn't like to be under the covers, and he has no dislike of water, and he's not regal... he's just cute.
    He has not one iota of Basenji DNA.
    Or Chihuahua... or Terrier of any kind....
    He's a Pomeranian/German Shorthaired Pointer/Maltese mix!
    WHAT!!! I'm embarrassed, those breeds aren't even cool. 😉
    No wonder Teak regards him with such disdain.
    But now that the evidence is in my face, I do recognize some of the traits of these other breeds. And I've watched enough CSI to know that the evidence does not lie.

    Oh well, kind of a kick having a dog I can let run. Unusual.

  • Aww, awesome to find out. We love him no matter what and you're more than welcome here!!

  • That is so interesting…! The Pom no doubt contributed the curly tail, the Pointer the height and the Maltese the colour 😉 But, super cute boy (and he can still have a lift in Moby the Poochmobile!)

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