Passing of a Great Lady in the World of Basenjis and the BCOA

  • So sorry to hear of her passing. My first boy in 87 was from Serengetti.

  • My first boy in 91 was sired by a Serengeti stud dog…. Ch Music City's Serengeti Jazz Man

  • @tanza:

    My first boy in 91 was sired by a Serengeti stud dog…. Ch Music City's Serengeti Jazz Man

    Jazzman was Ava's GGGG-Grandfather, sire to Ch Serengeti Cool Jazz of Woz. A lot of us are probably related through Midge Greenlee's dogs, showing what an imprint she left on the breed.

  • Sad news indeed. 😞

  • I was just thinking about her days ago and telling my husband that I needed to print out some pictures of Loki and Kaia to send to Midge to give her an update on Loki. I am very sad to hear of her passing. Loki is such a well behaved B and truly a great dog because of her. I will forever be grateful that she gave us our first little Basenji puppy.

  • Ch Music City's Serengeti Jazz Man was my boys grand sire:) so I guess our dogs would have been cousins, Trog is my boys great grand pup so that would make him a cousin several times removed. All my other dogs also track back to her thru Meisterhaus.

  • It has been posted the Midge's family is having a private - family service only. If people would like to commemorate Midge's life, please consider donationg to the endowment Fund in her name. This fund was especially dear to Midge. (permission to cross post from Wanda Pooley)

    Karla Schreiber then post this:
    Just to add to Wanda's note - Basenji Health Endowment donations can be made by check, mailed to the BHE Treasurer - Laura Mae Hesse, at her address in the BCOA Roster. Also, donations can be made on-line through Network For Good, at: . The Network for Good link has a spot that lets you add an "in memorium" if you wish.

  • So sad to lose such a champion of our breed. I remember seeing and petting JazzMan at a local dog show many years ago, he was stunning and obviously made an impression on me.

  • First Basenji's

    very sad to hear of Midge passing. I happen to look on the BCOA facebook page and there are friends and Basenji family members grieving, but having known of such a passionate women for the Basenji breed must have made large impressions on many hearts!

  • Here are photos of three Serengeti dogs – Ch Serengeti Scarlet Sage, Ch Serengeti Cool Jazz of Woz and Ch Music City Serengeti Jazzman-- whose legacy lives on in quite a few dogs on this forum.

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