Buddy - i really need you opinion guys ! Is he basenji x ?

  • Hi guys, This is my dog Buddy, I adopted him from the pound when he was 6 months old and they told me he was a jack Russell terrier, as he has gotten older I really believe he may be a jack Russell x Basenji, when I took him to the vet he agreed with me.. What do you guys think?
    (this is the best pic I could get as he never sits still :P)


  • While no one could say for sure he doesn't have basenji in there, he truly doesn't look basenji to me.

  • How big is he? What kind of mannerisms does he have? Does he bark? He could have some B in him and he might not, but he sure is a cute little thing!

  • I would say he has a little Basenji in him. I hear Petsmart will do a DNA test for about $40.00. Nice looking little guy.

  • First Basenji's

    Almost looks Basenji-Beagle-something else to me. His back legs are rather, well, leggy! And slightly more Basenji than JRT to me. The nicely curled tail, of course… but many dogs have curly tails.

    He looks mischievous, and cute. 🙂

  • Nice looking mix whatever he is, he looks like a sweety and lucky to have been saved from the pound by you.

    Jolanda and Kaiser

  • Thanks guys, crappy picture, i'll get a better one. Hes alot smaller than a basenji but alot taller and skinnier than a JR. He does Bark, but tends to make a whole lot of other noises instead, i've read up on Basenji's but never seen or heard one so i dont know what kind of noises they make.
    He has already had eye problems and has quite strong skin allergies which i understand Basenji's are proned to?

    As for his temprement, i took this from wikipedia :
    "The Basenji is alert, affectionate, energetic, curious and reserved with strangers. It can be described as speedy, frisky, tireless at play, and teasing the owner into play. The Basenji is somewhat aloof, but can also form strong bonds with people and can become emotionally attached to a single human. Basenjis may not get along with non-canine pets. It is commonly patient, but does best with older considerate handlers. Basenjis dislike wet weather, like to climb, can easily get over chain wire fences, and are very clever at getting their own way."

    All of this is him down to a tee! we also have a cat which he just torments the hell out of..

  • @styvez:

    He does Bark, but tends to make a whole lot of other noises instead, i've read up on Basenji's but never seen or heard one so i dont know what kind of noises they make.

    Does he sound anything like this?


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