• Okay please forgive me and the somewhat gross content of this post.

    My B boy (4 months) is the PICKIEST pooper I have ever known. When I am walking him I can see him puckering and even at times see poo on its way out.. but he'll clench until he goes to certain areas. It can be quite frustrating.. especially when we walk him for 30 minutes and nothing comes out. even if we take him to his favorite poop place… even worse is when he is about to poop and something distracts him right as he squats.. like a car horn or a bike rider. all hope is lost then and it's time to go back inside and try again later.

    anybody else have Bs that refuse to go unless it's just the right circumstances/places?

  • I may battle you for pickiest pooper..lol, Oakley is 28months and awful. He used to be the same for peeing but we've recently broken through that barrier and he often will pee on command..kinda. He does all of the above that you've mentioned, I will know he has to go but he delays because he wants to keep walking (even though I don't always go home after because I don't want him to think poop=home). He also prefers harder substrate surfaces, he rarely will poop on grass, he like concrete or asphalt…so I can coax him to go if I walk him in the street. I wish I could take him outside and he would go across the street but he wouldn't dream of making my life easier..lol

    One day when I get a house, a secure yard is number one on the list and I hope that he will learn to ask to go out and just do his business...

  • He will only go in a certain patch of tall grass or flowers. Luckily, peeing is not an issue. I'd freak out over the cleaning (Our apartment has carpet tiles)

  • This sounds like "typical" Basenji behaviour. I have had it to one degree or another with all of mine. Believe me, it isn't fun in mid winter to stand in the hay barn yelling "poop, poop, poop" at the top of my lungs. I am sure the neighbours think I am insane, but it often works. He will run back and forth, start to circle, and if I am lucky, voila! a poop! On the "bad" days I return to the house calling him "Poopless Perry". 😉

    My previous boy, I can remember times I biked him up and down the road several times before he finally gave up and complied. Going back a bit further, I remember getting frustrated enough to repeatedly shove my girl into the ditch, commanding her to go! (I had less patience when I was younger) And yes, they certainly do know what you want. When I am impatient and in a hurry, that is when the Basenji stubborness comes out. "I'll poop when I want to, not to please you!"

    Oh, and you are right on about the "distraction" issue. When there is already reluctance, any excuse to cease and desist will do…....and suddenly the short walk turns into a far longer trek. I have been known to curse cyclists under my breath!

    Peeing is less of an issue. Perry will do that on command. (usually) 🙂

  • I don't think this is particularly unusual basenji behavior. Shaye can be in the field, humped all up and ready to go, and if she spots a squirrel in the vicinity or anything else that catches her attention, she will (gross, I know) actually pull what's started out right back in and there's not a chance she's going to go for the rest of that walk, because she's on high alert from that point on. And, if there are no squirrels or cats or whatever, she will just entertain herself by biting the heads of field daisies or any other flower in the area, then spitting them out, and it's like there never was a thought in her head to go potty. Bite, spit, bite, spit, bite, spit - now that I believe is unusual behavior, but she's done it from puppyhood. She never eats them, but she can deflower the whole field if I let her.

  • alleycat you're thread has certainly made me smile,seems like our Basenjis could all take the title for pickiest pooper,lol
    Our two won't go in the garden at all, they did as pups but not anymore, not sure why as sometimes they must be desperate to go but not neccesarily for a walk as it's raining or something.
    I know the feeling of walking them when it's freezing cold or you are short of time and you breath a sigh of relief when they circle, you stand poised with the poo bag in hand, holding you're breath in case you cause a distraction…....................then at the last crucial minute something happens to distract and all is lost, and you have to return home empty handed 😉

  • Well I am just learning this, going into our first winter and you guessed it Kaiser don't like the rain , fine to go out and do a pee(toilet is the word we use) but the poo which normally shows itself during our morning walk which he is just so disgusted to be dragged out for and stalls all the way so we head home without having done any and will hold and hold all day, so when I can I get the hubby at the end of his run to jog him up the road and that gets his bowel going and we are clear till the next morning. Normally on our walks he does look for that special spot to download and yes I can see him bursting to find it, doesn't seem bothered by anything when going except when it's uncomfortable for any reason(hair hanging poop or grass etc) and he squeals and spins around to see what's happening around there, he's like - whats attached to me. Not going to force the issue with him just keep an eagle eye on him for door standing moments.

    Joanda and Kaiser

  • Maca is so niceee! she goes out on the morning and make poo and thats it!.

    She can walk and make poo fast too. But i dont take out them for popping purposes.. they make her own time to do that, and lucky me, i have a secure backyard.

    Laika.. well Laika… is the oposite.. she makes a god knows timings.. and she make pee and poo on any place she wants, when she wants ..

    lately she is start making pee on my bed.. grr.. but she is sweet and i am gulty for some darker reason, i know..

  • She (Laika) is claiming your bed as her own….

  • Ohhh the little terrorist!!!! what i must do??????????

  • So yesterday we had company and were outside at the barn and Perry sniffs the guy and proceeds to pee on his leg!! I yelled, so he didn't get more than a few drops, but he has never done that before. Making some kind of statement? Anyone else had their B do that?

    A long time ago, someone's male of a different breed pulled that number on me. My leg suddenly felt warm. I looked down, and yeah, I was acting as a substitute hydrant. Didn't exactly make my day! 😉

  • @eeeefarm:

    So yesterday we had company and were outside at the barn and Perry sniffs the guy and proceeds to pee on his leg!! I yelled, so he didn't get more than a few drops, but he has never done that before. Making some kind of statement? Anyone else had their B do that?

    A long time ago, someone's male of a different breed pulled that number on me. My leg suddenly felt warm. I looked down, and yeah, I was acting as a substitute hydrant. Didn't exactly make my day! 😉

    I've had the same thing happen with me and a Westie. I could not believe it either and i'm pretty sure he could have held it for the next available tree!

  • Maca used to make pee on the cabs.. on my legs.. lol. And everytime just one block to get home! So i arrive wet and get directly to take my own bath, lol

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