Kananga Updates
He looks like he has adjusted just fine with the cold weather, basking in the luxury of fine down covers! So pretty, brindle r/w?
You must have a special boy if he is a non chewer, Kaiser has in the last two months become a chewer more so than through teething. He does look a very content boy and a handsome brindle as well.
Jolanda and Kaiser
You must have a special boy if he is a non chewer, Kaiser has in the last two months become a chewer more so than through teething. He does look a very content boy and a handsome brindle as well.
Jolanda and Kaiser
Oh, he wasn't always well behaved. I had to replace a couch because of him. :)
Seems as if he calmed down once he got closer to 2yrs of age. This new couch is leather, which he leaves alone. He will still chew on his blanket occasionally when he wants attention. That's fine, it's his blanket after all.
Sayblee was horrific til around age 2 then her chewing really focused just on gutting any toy that squeaked.
He looks very content.
What is with shedding this year? Prior to now, neither of my first 2 basenjis shed and Cara very little. This year she and arwen are awful and they HATE the shedding brush. I hate the hair in my bed so they have to adjust.
Yes, the shedding has been a bit abnormal. Normally we only deal with this once a year, he's now gone through a round of shedding twice in the last 8 months. I'd imagine it has to do with the odd weather we've had.
After all, we have nearly a foot of snow on the way tomorrow.
Kananga is beautiful - love the brindles. You say he calmed down around 2? Mine is 4 and we have still not replaced the sectional or the den couch for fear they would need replacing again! We've discussed leather, because we really do need to get new, but fear it would make her chew even more.
As to shedding, Shaye is getting very odd sticky-outy hair along the sides of her neck and longer hair on her back, and shedding like mad - hope all this longer junk falls out, I don't remember this in past years.
The sofa Butu and Leki are pictured on is leather. Apart from Butu doing the soft shoe shuffle on it before he settles down, he has never tried to hurt it. Leki seems to be unravelling a couple of threads in its bowels, but that should stop when she's too big to get under it… Butu has eaten three computer chairs, so I was very loath to get a leather sofa, but now I would have all leather furniture if I could!
What a handsome guy! So photogenic– and a non-chewer, too!
The sofa Butu and Leki are pictured on is leather. Apart from Butu doing the soft shoe shuffle on it before he settles down, he has never tried to hurt it. Leki seems to be unravelling a couple of threads in its bowels, but that should stop when she's too big to get under it… Butu has eaten three computer chairs, so I was very loath to get a leather sofa, but now I would have all leather furniture if I could!
I view it the same way. I was hesitant dropping money on a new sofa, leather especially. Found out that it holds up far better. Easier to clean, and they really seem to have zero interest in chewing on leather. Anything fabric (like his blanket) will get damaged one way or another.
Leather seems like the way to go. I've never seen Kananga attempt to dig on the leather itself, only when he's standing on his blanket. He'll attempt to dig on my bed, which is rather frustrating (as bed sheets don't hold up well over time).
You're right about the bed sheets. Ava has ripped every bottom sheet I have, as well as her dog bed. Leather does seem to hold up better. Spencer liked to rub up against my leather coffee table, but he never bothered it. I don't dare let Ava near it!
LOL but you can't get leather sheets so there you go… actually I guess you COULD, but I don't want to know about it. So far none of mine have ripped the bottom sheet but I'm in here when they are and yell "QUIT DIGGING IN MY BED" when they start. I am sure they think Ava has a nicer mom.