if anyone is still looking for a dvd
PENNSYLVANIA Action Alert– Rabies Medical Exemption SB 1454 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&sessYr=2009&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=1454&pn=2164 just introduced by Senator Stewart Greenleaf has been referred to the Agriculture & Rural Affairs Committee. Please contact the Committee members below and ask them to vote "Ought to Pass." At the bottom of the page is my letter to the Pennsyvlania State Veterinarian.
Senator Mike Brubaker, Chair (717) 787-4420 mbrubaker@pasen.gov
Senator Michael Waugh, Vice-Chair (717) 787-3817 mwaugh@pasen.gov
Senator Michael O'Pake, Minority Chair (717) 787-8925 opake@pasenate.com
Senator Joseph Scarnati (717) 787-7084 jscarnati@pasen.gov
Senator John Eichelberger (717) 787-5490 jeichelberger@pasen.gov
Senator Robert Robbins (717) 787-1322
Senator Elder Vogel (717) 787-3076 evogel@pasen.gov
Senator Gene Yaw (717) 787-3280 gyaw@pasen.gov
Senator Andrew Dinniman (717) 787-5709 andy@pasenate.com
Senator Shirley Kitchen (717) 787-6735 kitchen@pasenate.com
Senator John Wozniak (717) 787-5400 wozniak@pasenate.com
PENNSYLVANIA: Rabies Medical Exemption Action Alert – Senator Stewart J. Greenleaf will reintroduce SB 1454 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&sessYr=2009&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=1454&pn=2164 in an effort to get a rabies medical exemption clause inserted into the Pennsylvania Rabies Code in the January session.
**What You Can Do to Help
Contact your legislators immediately and ask them to co-sponsor and support this rabies medical exemption bill. You can find your legislators' contact information at this link http://www.legis.state.pa.us/ , and please ask every pet owner you know who may concerned about this to do the same. **If no other legislator is willing to Co-Sponsor this bill, it will fail.
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 90 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/billinfo.cfm?syear=2011&sind=0&body=S&type=B&BN=0090 re-introduced by Senator Greenleaf is before the Senate Agriculture Committee. Please contact members below asking them to vote to pass this bill.
Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Agriculture Committee**
Senator Elder Vogel, Chair (717) 787-3076 Evogel@pasen.gov
Senator Michael Waugh, Vice-Chair (717) 787-3817 mwaugh@pasen.gov
Senator Lisa Boscola (717) 787-4236 boscola@pasenate.com
Senator Joseph Scarnati (717) 787-7084 jscarnati@pasen.gov
Senator Mike Brubaker (717) 787-4420 mbrubaker@pasen.gov
Senator John Eichelberger (717) 787-5490 jeichelberger@pasen.gov
Senator Robert Robbins (717) 787-1322 rrobbins@pasen.gov
Senator Gene Yaw (717) 787-3280 gyaw@pasen.gov
Senator Andrew Dinniman (717) 787-5709 andy@pasenate.com
Senator Shirley Kitchen (717) 787-6735 kitchen@pasenate.com
Senator Timothy Solobay (717) 787-1463 tsolobay@pasenate.com
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 (January 2013)
http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=HTM&sessYr=2013&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=0155&pn=0107 has been introduced for a 3rd time by Senator Greenleaf & has been referred to the Senate Agriculture Committee (link to Senator Greenleaf's memo reintroducing this bill http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/Legis/CSM/showMemoPublic.cfm?chamber=S&SPick=20130&cosponId=9832).
**What You Can Do to Help
Please contact members below asking them to vote to pass this bill, SB 155, for dogs and cats determined by a veterinarian to be too ill to be vaccinated.
Members of the Pennsylvania Senate Agriculture Committee**
Senator Elder Vogel, Chair (717) 787-3076 Evogel@pasen.gov
Senator Michael Waugh, Vice-Chair (717) 787-3817 mwaugh@pasen.gov
Senator Judith L. Schwank, Minority Chair (717) 787-8925 SenatorSchwank@pasenate.com
Senator David G. Argall (717) 787-2637 dargall@pasen.gov
Senator Joseph Scarnati (717) 787-7084 jscarnati@pasen.gov
Senator Mike Brubaker (717) 787-4420 mbrubaker@pasen.gov
Senator Robert Robbins (717) 787-1322 rrobbins@pasen.gov
Senator Gene Yaw (717) 787-3280 gyaw@pasen.gov
Senator Andrew Dinniman (717) 787-5709 andy@pasenate.com
Senator Shirley Kitchen (717) 787-6735 kitchen@pasenate.com
Senator Timothy Solobay (717) 787-1463 tsolobay@pasenate.com
The Rabies Challenge Fund Letter to Pennsylvania State Veterinarian
June 29, 2010
Dr. Craig E. Shultz
State Veterinarian
Department of Agriculture
2301 N. Cameron Street, Room 410
Harrisburg, PA 17110
RE: Medical Exemption Clause for Pennsylvania’s Rabies Prevention and Control Code
Greetings Dr. Shultz:
On behalf of The Rabies Challenge Fund and the Pennsylvania pet owners who have contacted us requesting assistance, we respectfully request that you, in your capacity as State Veterinarian, initiate medical exemption legislation waiving the rabies immunization requirement in Chapter 16, Subchapter C., ?16.43 of the Pennsylvania Code for the small number of animals whose veterinarians have determined their medical conditions preclude vaccination.
The states of Alabama, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, Virginia, and Wisconsin all have medical exemption clauses for sick animals in their rabies immunization laws, and a bill is currently pending in the California legislature to include a waiver in their statutes.
The labels on rabies vaccines state that they are for “the vaccination of healthy cats, dogs…,” and there are medical conditions for which vaccination can jeopardize the life or well-being of an animal. A medical exemption clause would allow Pennsylvania veterinarians to write waivers for animals whose medical conditions (such as those with cancer, kidney/liver failure, hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, grand mal seizures, and chronic autoimmune disorders) would be exacerbated by rabies vaccination. The State of Maine inserted such an exemption into their 3 year rabies protocol, 7 M.R.S.A., Sec. 3922(3), which became effective in April 2005 – not one rabid dog has been reported in the more than 5 years since that date. Colorado’s data reflect the same -- there have been no rabid dogs reported in the state since passage of their medical exemption clause in July 2008.
Maine’s exemption language is as follows:
A. A letter of exemption from vaccination may be submitted for licensure, if a medical reason exists that precludes the vaccination of the dog. Qualifying letters must be in the form of a written statement, signed by a licensed veterinarian, that includes a description of the dog, and the medical reason that precludes vaccination. If the medical reason is temporary, the letter shall indicate a time of expiration of the exemption.
B. A dog exempted under the provisions of paragraph 5 A, above, shall be considered unvaccinated, for the purposes of 10-144 C.M.R. Ch.251, Section 7(B)(1), (Rules Governing Rabies Management) in the case of said dog’s exposure to a confirmed or suspect rabid animal.
The Rabies Challenge Fund strongly urges you to request legislation be submitted on behalf of the Department of Agriculture amending Chapter 16, Subchapter C., ?16.43 of the Pennsylvania Code to include medical exemption language for unhealthy animals for which rabies vaccination would compromise their well-being.
Kris L. Christine
Founder, Co-Trustee
cc: Dr. W. Jean Dodds
Dr. Ronald Schultz
Pennsylvania General Assembly**
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 before the full Senate Monday 2/11/13.
The bill received unanimous support from the Senate Agriculture Committee Wednesday http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/RCC/Public/listVoteSummary.cfm?sYear=2013&sInd=0&cteeCde=27&theDate=02/06/2013&rNbr=35 with an amendment (see amended exemption text Section 2 Subsection F http://www.legis.state.pa.us/CFDOCS/Legis/PN/Public/btCheck.cfm?txtType=PDF&sessYr=2013&sessInd=0&billBody=S&billTyp=B&billNbr=0155&pn=0368 ) and will be considered by the full Senate on Monday February 11, 2013.
**What You Can Do to Help
Please contact your Senators http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/legis/home/member_information/contact.cfm?body=S & ask them to support SB 155. Share this action alert & ask any of your pet-owning friends in Pennsylvania to contact their Senators to support the bill.
Superb! Thank you for all your efforts and for keeping us informed. You are paving the way to a better life for so many.
Superb! Thank you for all your efforts and for keeping us informed. You are paving the way to a better life for so many.
Thank you, Jo! I certainly don't do this alone, there are many, many loving dog owners who contact their legislators to make this happen.
Any news on the outcome..?????
I couldn't find any recent info in any of my searches.
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/billinfo.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&BN=0155 has been referred to the Senate Appropriations Committee. Please contact Committee Chair, Senator Jake Corman jcorman@pasen.gov (717) 787-1377 & committee members listed below & ask them to SUPPORT this bill so that it will go to the full Senate for a 3rd & final consideration: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/cteeInfo/Index.cfm?Code=3&CteeBody=S
**Senate Appropriations Committee Members
Sen. Jake Corman, Chair jcorman@pasen.gov (717) 787-1377
Sen. Vincent J. Hughes, Minority Chair huges@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7112
Sen. Robert M. Tomlinson, Vice Chair rtomlinson@pasen.gov (717) 787-5072
Sen. Dominic Pileggi dpileggi@pasen.gov (717) 787-4712
Sen. Joseph B. Scarnati jscarnati@pasen.gov (717) 787-7084
Sen. David G. Argall dargall@pasen.gov (717) 787-2637
Sen. Lisa Baker@pasen.gov (717) 787-7428
Sen. Mike Brubaker mbrubaker@pasen.gov (717) 787-4420
Sen. John R. Gordner jgordner@pasen.gov (717) 787-8928
Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf sgreenleaf@pasen.gov (717) 787-6599
Sen. Bob Mensch bmensch@pasen.gov (717) 787-3110
Sen. John C. Rafferty, Jr.jrafferty@pasen.gov (717) 787-1398
Sen. Lloyd K. Smucker lsmucker@pasen.gov (717) 787-6535
Sen. Patricia H. Vance vance@pasen.gov (717) 787-8524
Sen. Elder A. Vogel, Jr. evogel@pasen.gov (717) 787-3076
Sen. Randy Vulakovich rvulakovich@pasen.gov (717) 787-6538
Sen. Michael L. Waugh mwaugh@pasen.gov (717) 787-3817
Sen. Jim Ferlo, Minority Vice Chair ferlo@pasen.gov (717) 787-6123
Sen. Jay Costa costa@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7683
Sen. John Blake senatorblake@pasenate.gov (717) 787-6481
Sen. Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr. lfarnese@pasen.gov (717) 787-5662
Sen. Judith L. Schwank SenatorSchwank@pasenate.gov (717) 787-8925
Sen. Timothy J. Solobay tsolobay@pasenate.gov (717) 787-1463
Sen. LeAnna M. Washington washington@pasenate.gov (717) 787-1427
Sen. John N. Wozniak wozniak@pasenate.gov (717) 787-5400
Sen. John T. Yudichak yudichak@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7105
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/billinfo.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&BN=0155 will be voted on by the Senate Appropriations Committee on Monday, March 18th. Please contact Committee Chair, Senator Jake Corman jcorman@pasen.gov (717) 787-1377 & committee members listed below & ask them to SUPPORT this bill so that it will go to the full Senate for a 3rd & final consideration: http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/cteeInfo/Index.cfm?Code=3&CteeBody=S
**Senate Appropriations Committee Members
Sen. Jake Corman, Chair jcorman@pasen.gov (717) 787-1377
Sen. Vincent J. Hughes, Minority Chair hughes@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7112
Sen. Robert M. Tomlinson, Vice Chair rtomlinson@pasen.gov (717) 787-5072
Sen. Dominic Pileggi dpileggi@pasen.gov (717) 787-4712
Sen. Joseph B. Scarnati jscarnati@pasen.gov (717) 787-7084
Sen. David G. Argall dargall@pasen.gov (717) 787-2637
Sen. Lisa Baker baker@pasen.gov (717) 787-7428
Sen. Mike Brubaker mbrubaker@pasen.gov (717) 787-4420
Sen. John R. Gordner jgordner@pasen.gov (717) 787-8928
Sen. Stewart J. Greenleaf sgreenleaf@pasen.gov (717) 787-6599
Sen. Bob Mensch bmensch@pasen.gov (717) 787-3110
Sen. John C. Rafferty, jrafferty@pasen.gov (717) 787-1398
Sen. Lloyd K. Smucker lsmucker@pasen.gov (717) 787-6535
Sen. Patricia H. Vance vance@pasen.gov (717) 787-8524
Sen. Elder A. Vogel, Jr. evogel@pasen.gov (717) 787-3076
Sen. Randy Vulakovich rvulakovich@pasen.gov (717) 787-6538
Sen. Michael L. Waugh mwaugh@pasen.gov (717) 787-3817
Sen. Jim Ferlo, Minority Vice Chair ferlo@pasen.gov (717) 787-6123
Sen. Jay Costa costa@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7683
Sen. John Blake senatorblake@pasenate.gov (717) 787-6481
Sen. Lawrence M. Farnese, Jr. lfarnese@pasen.gov (717) 787-5662
Sen. Judith L. Schwank SenatorSchwank@pasenate.gov (717) 787-8925
Sen. Timothy J. Solobay tsolobay@pasenate.gov (717) 787-1463
Sen. LeAnna M. Washington washington@pasenate.gov (717) 787-1427
Sen. John N. Wozniak wozniak@pasenate.gov (717) 787-5400
Sen. John T. Yudichak yudichak@pasenate.gov (717) 787-7105
Pennsylvania Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 UNANIMOUSLY passed the full Senate today (4/8/13) & will go to the House for consideration next http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/bill_history.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=155 .
PENNSYLVANIA Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 has been referred to the House Agriculture Committee http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/billinfo.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&BN=0155 after passing the full Senate. Please contact Chairs JohnMaher, (717) 783-1522 jmaher@pahousegop.com, Joseph A. Petrarca (717) 787-5142 jpetrarc@pahouse.net , and members below and ask the Committee to SUPPORT SB 155.
Pennsylvania House Agriculture Committee Members
JohnMaher, Chair (717) 783-1522 jmaher@pahousegop.com
Joseph A. Petrarca Co-Chair (717) 787-5142 jpetrarc@pahouse.net
Mindy Fee (717) 772-5290 mfee@pahousegop.com
Mike Reese (717) 783-9311 Mreese@pahousegop.com
Stephen Bloom (717) 772-2280 sbloom@pahousegop.com
Michele Brooks (717) 783-5008 mbrooks@pahousegop.com
Gordon Denlinger (717) 787-3531 gdenling@pahousegop.com
Joe Emrick (717) 260-6159 Jemrick@pahousegop.com
Mikie Fleck (717) 787-3335 mfleck@pahousegop.com
Marcia Hahn (717) 783-8573 mhahn@pahousegop.com
David Hickernell (717) 783-2076 Dhickern@pahousegop.com
Rob Kauffman (717) 705-2004 rkauffma@pahousegop.com
Mark Keller (717) 783-1593 mkeller@pahousegop.com
David Millard (717) 783-1102 dmillard@pahousegop.com
Dan Moul (717) 783-5217 dmoul@pahousegop.com
Mike Tobash (717) 260-6148 mtobash@pahousegop.com
Deberah Kula (717) 772-1858 DKuhla@pahouse.net
Brandon Neuman (717) 783-4834 BNeuman@pahouse.net
Scott Conklin (717) 787-9473 SConklin@pahouse.net
Pamela DeLissio (717) 783-4945 PDelissi@pahouse.net
Sid Michaels Kavulich (717) 783-4874 SKavulic@pahouse.net
Rick Mirabito (717) 772-1314 RMirabit@pahouse.net
Mark Painter (717) 783-4073 MPainter@pahouse.net
Mark Rozzi (717) 783-3290 MRozzi@pahouse.net
Jake Wheatley, Jr. (717) 783-3783 JWheatle@pahouse.net
PENNSYLVANIA Rabies Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 will be heard in the House Agriculture Committee on Tuesday, JUNE 4th at 9:30 a.m. http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/cteeInfo/Index.cfm?Code=2&CteeBody=H. Please contact Chairs John Maher (717) 783-1522 JMaher@pahousegop.com, Joseph A. Petrarca (717) 787-5142 JPetrarc@pahouse.net & committee members below to ask them to **SUPPORT SB 155.
Pennsylvania House Agriculture Committee Members**
John Maher, Chair (717) 783-1522 jmaher@pahousegop.com
Joseph A. Petrarca Co-Chair (717) 787-5142 jpetrarc@pahouse.net
Mindy Fee (717) 772-5290 mfee@pahousegop.com
Mike Reese (717) 783-9311 Mreese@pahousegop.com
Stephen Bloom (717) 772-2280 sbloom@pahousegop.com
Michele Brooks (717) 783-5008 mbrooks@pahousegop.com
Gordon Denlinger (717) 787-3531 gdenling@pahousegop.com
Joe Emrick (717) 260-6159 Jemrick@pahousegop.com
Mikie Fleck (717) 787-3335 mfleck@pahousegop.com
Marcia Hahn (717) 783-8573 mhahn@pahousegop.com
David Hickernell (717) 783-2076 Dhickern@pahousegop.com
Rob Kauffman (717) 705-2004 rkauffma@pahousegop.com
Mark Keller (717) 783-1593 mkeller@pahousegop.com
David Millard (717) 783-1102 dmillard@pahousegop.com
Dan Moul (717) 783-5217 dmoul@pahousegop.com
Mike Tobash (717) 260-6148 mtobash@pahousegop.com
Deberah Kula (717) 772-1858 DKuhla@pahouse.net
Brandon Neuman (717) 783-4834 BNeuman@pahouse.net
Scott Conklin (717) 787-9473 SConklin@pahouse.net
Pamela DeLissio (717) 783-4945 PDelissi@pahouse.net
Sid Michaels Kavulich (717) 783-4874 SKavulic@pahouse.net
Rick Mirabito (717) 772-1314 RMirabit@pahouse.net
Mark Painter (717) 783-4073 MPainter@pahouse.net
Mark Rozzi (717) 783-3290 MRozzi@pahouse.net
Jake Wheatley, Jr. (717) 783-3783 JWheatle@pahouse.net
PENNSYLVANIA Medical Exemption Bill SB 155 was amended & reported out of House Agriculture Committee & had 1st floor consideration 6/4/13. 3rd & final consideration by Monday according to Co-chair Petrarca's staff http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/bill_history.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=155 .
The Pennsylvania General Assembly unanimously passed SB 155 putting a medical exemption clause into their rabies law today (July 3) & will become the 18th state with an exemption as soon as the bill is signed by the Governor http://www.legis.state.pa.us/cfdocs/billinfo/bill_history.cfm?syear=2013&sind=0&body=S&type=B&bn=155 . Thanks to all who contacted legislators to help get this bill passed!
PENNSYLVANIA Medical Exemption SB 155 was signed into law by Governor Corbett July 9th & will become effective in 60 days (September 7th). Thank you again to everyone who contacted legislators & shared action alerts to make this possible!