Bringing home our B 3/9/2012

  • Agreed, Oakley rarely gets a "tubby"…mainly when he's blowin his coat or if he happens to be particularly stinky...but it's never more than 4x a year...I don't count the numerous times he's fallen into my shower tying to lick my legs..lmao

  • First Basenji's

    Yeah, I think Bowpi has gotten 2.5 baths in the three years she's been with us. The half bath was a foot soak after stepping in something nasty…

    And TotW is leaps and bounds better than Beneful. I think it's a good, economical choice for kibble. But honestly, the $5 ~ $20 difference a month to feed better quality, corn-free food is TOTALLY worth it. Check out as a place to start learning about how to evaluate good dog food. I don't take that site as the end-all-be-all. For example, just because the site says some kibble is rated five stars doesn't mean it's universally great for every Basenji. You still have to adjust according to your own dog's needs. But there are lots of good articles on that site that will give you a good crash course on how to feed your new bubs... who's totally adorable, by the way. 🙂

  • The last time my Basenji had a bath was when he got skunked a couple of years ago. 😉

  • Oh with food I give him about a cup of food in the morning.. and he doesn't eat it all at once. He eats until he is full then walks off. nibbles at it through the morning. I also know that we shouldn't bathe him too often. Like I said.. the only reason he got a bath was because he got explosive doodoo all over himself. lol!

    Any ideas on what chew toys to get him. so far we have a tennis ball, a fluffy doggy that doesn't squeak, a puppy kong and a long "stick" with a squeaker in it. His favorite seems to be the ball. I was surprised he didn't like the kong all that much

  • Anything with a squeaky goes around here, especially the 'lamb' furred ones. Tennis balls aren't the best for them because dirt gets trapped in it and can wear down their teeth. I buy the Chuck-it balls without the fur on them though I haven't found one that squeaks yet. Kongs were never my guys favorites either, unless of course they were stuffed with Cheese Whiz. Bully sticks are good for chewing, as are Moozles or Snozzles (if you can find them) and dried Trachea.

  • Oakley never liked his kong, still doesn't- even stuffed with peanut butter. He lives fluffy babies with squeakers, tiny kong squeaky tennis balls..and he loves antlers..doesn't matter if they are elk,moose or deer. They last a long while and puppies seem to love them. What I love about them- it keeps Oakley self entertained for more than two minutes at a time ( a big feat by by means)

  • @Alleycat:

    Oh with food I give him about a cup of food in the morning.. and he doesn't eat it all at once. He eats until he is full then walks off. nibbles at it through the morning. I also know that we shouldn't bathe him too often. Like I said.. the only reason he got a bath was because he got explosive doodoo all over himself. lol!

    Any ideas on what chew toys to get him. so far we have a tennis ball, a fluffy doggy that doesn't squeak, a puppy kong and a long "stick" with a squeaker in it. His favorite seems to be the ball. I was surprised he didn't like the kong all that much

    IMO a cup of food is too much…. a puppy his age should be eating about 3 times a day.. and a cup is a lot of food for a puppy?... My puppies at that age eat 1/4 cup 3x's a day. And they get a certain amount of time to eat, if they leave any it is taken away. By leaving it down for them to pick at is setting them up for poor eating habits.

  • @tanza:

    IMO a cup of food is too much…. a puppy his age should be eating about 3 times a day.. and a cup is a lot of food for a puppy?... My puppies at that age eat 1/4 cup 3x's a day. And they get a certain amount of time to eat, if they leave any it is taken away. By leaving it down for them to pick at is setting them up for poor eating habits.

    I didn't mean one measuring cup. I meant one little plastic cup

  • Wow, 8 years ago our Jindo and 2 Shiba's were having a terrible time with itching and hot spots, we tried every remedy we could think of until Karin read a report on AvoDerm and hot spots. After an intense search we found a distributer and started them on AvoDerm Baked Original. It cleared them up totally and their coats were awesome. When we started collecting our B's we stayed with the AvoDerm and they love it. The funny thing was when we switched our pack to the AvoDerm we stayed on the regular feeding (3 times a day) and they really gained a lot of weight. We slowly cut them back and found that they did best on s single cup of food every afternoon and that's all. Even with our 3 B's who love to run and play in the backyard, like wild dogs, they still are best on a single cup a day, along with what ever treats they can con us out of. Our vet says that they are in fantastic shape and right on target for weight.

  • Better to use a real measuring cup, then you know exactly how much you are feeding…. (IMO)... and again I would urge that you give only a certain amount of time to eat and then take it away till the next feeding time. It encourages good eating habits and they will not stave themselves, if they are hungry they will eat... as they say "snooze, you lose"....

    Also you will find that when feeding a good quality food your don't need to feed as much as they get more benefit from the higher quality

  • @tanza:

    Better to use a real measuring cup, then you know exactly how much you are feeding…. (IMO)... and again I would urge that you give only a certain amount of time to eat and then take it away till the next feeding time. It encourages good eating habits and they will not stave themselves, if they are hungry they will eat... as they say "snooze, you lose"....

    Also you will find that when feeding a good quality food your don't need to feed as much as they get more benefit from the higher quality

    Thanks 🙂 I will definitely follow these tips

  • Anymore pics?? We love pictures 🙂
    I need to live through you guys and your puppies!!

  • Puppies make me so weak! I can instantly change my mind about getting another when I see them as babies…but then I look up and see my grown 28month old boy dragging toilet paper throughout the house..and it makes me realize

    Not quite ready yet!

  • Always ready…. 🙂

  • Ready to commit myself!!! Hahaha..

    Alleycat- so incredibly adorable, I love the look on his face in the first one…might be a hint of mischief in there?! Lol
    The little black and white bundles get me everytime! I fell in love with breed and wanted a red and white...but after receiving's hard not to have the black and whites melt me. Take lots of pics, it goes by quicker than I remember thinking it would. Love his wide white stripe and his little white mitten foot in the back...he looks overall to be a "cool, laid back type"?! Perhaps it's because I was so used to the panic look as Oakley was panicked by many things back then!

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