Well - the seconds is a long time to the excited dog. The directions were in seconds. Since it's training, repitition is key. A 10 minute training session would be adequate time to get in quite a few repititious consequences to learn what happens from the mouthing. 2 - 5 minutes is too long for repetitive flow and it completely ends the training. The more excited Duke was, the longer the seconds. 15 to 30 seconds delay is plenty of time - which is more likely to occur in the time it takes to move, look away and pause play. When dogs play and one gets too rough with the other the same thing happens. The offended dog stops and turns away - no eye contact. It's kind of like dog language. :mad: "YIPE!! You're bites hurt!" <ggg>It worked for me anyway. During the pause, Duke was like begging me to play again and seemingly bewildered. I'd play again and when I felt teeth, I stopped, etc. He finally understood the consequence!
Also, remember "happy talk" when C3PO is playing politely. That's the same as praise. I also ended the training with a treat and a "Goood Boy!" while playing acceptably on the positive side and before he tries to mouth again.</ggg>