• Hi everyone,

    Kaeda just turned 6 months a couple weeks ago, and I noticed that she was licking herself a lot. Being an always worrying mom, I had to check it out. I noticed that there was a little bit of dried blood on her fur and a little bit of discharge, MY BABY IS ALL GROWN UP NOW! I didn't know that basenjis get their first heat cycle this early. Being a dog that goes into season once a year, I was assuming (hoping) I wouldn't see it until late summer at the earliest. I'm not able to get her fixed until I get my tax returns. If it's a real serious problem, I have more than enough in my savings. For now, does anyone have any advice? I know she can't play with her intact male shorkie neighbor for a month, and she can't go to the dog park. Is there anything else to look out for? She's my first bitch, I've always had males before. Thanks in advance!

  • Those are the main things, no dog parks, no off lease, no in the yard alone and loose (unless you really have a secure area) and no playing with intact males….. And you could not get her fixed now, if she is in season, Vets prefer that they not be in season for a spay.

  • @tanza:

    Those are the main things, no dog parks, no off lease, no in the yard alone and loose (unless you really have a secure area) and no playing with intact males….. And you could not get her fixed now, if she is in season, Vets prefer that they not be in season for a spay.

    Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it.

    Would it also be ok if I took a wipe to clean up the blood on her fur?

  • Most vets prefer to wait 2 months after the heat cycle ends, so plan on getting her spayed in late May, that will give you plenty of time for your tax return. Just keep her by herself and you should be fine, you can clean her with a wet wipe, but most basenjis self clean.

  • @lisastewart:

    Most vets prefer to wait 2 months after the heat cycle ends, so plan on getting her spayed in late May, that will give you plenty of time for your tax return. Just keep her by herself and you should be fine, you can clean her with a wet wipe, but most basenjis self clean.

    Thank you, I actually didn't know the 2 month "rule". So other than keeping her away from intact males, it's not that big of a deal it seems. That's good! I just wanted to cover everything just in case.

  • To keep the house clean you can go to a pet store and buy her a doggy diaper. Then just use panty-liners inside of it so you can just toss a dirty one and then out a clean one in. Good if she sleeps in the bed and will keep from blood spots on your furniture and in the house.

  • You can also get "sanitary pads" for bitches. Some will wear them, some will try to get them off, but if yours will allow it, it saves those drips on the floor and furniture. (I had good luck with one of my girls. After an initial attempt at removal and a disapproving word from me, she was just fine wearing a pad.)

    I see someone else has the same advice! (great minds think alike) 🙂

  • @Ballinduh:

    Thanks for the advice! I appreciate it.

    Would it also be ok if I took a wipe to clean up the blood on her fur?

    For sure OK to "help" keep her clean….

  • First Basenji's

    all those male dogs at your front door! I mentioned to my brother who is a first time girl puppy owner, and he laughed when I told him to look out for the male dogs. The other day, a blind dog who never goes outside ended up sniffing at his front door from down the street!!!! talk about a sex drive!

  • @Buddys:

    all those male dogs at your front door! I mentioned to my brother who is a first time girl puppy owner, and he laughed when I told him to look out for the male dogs. The other day, a blind dog who never goes outside ended up sniffing at his front door from down the street!!!! talk about a sex drive!

    Exactly, most people do not believe you when you tell them that male dogs will do most anything to get at a bitch in season. Years ago when I had 3 bitches in season at one time, there was a very old in-tact Lab that lived 4 blocks away… He had to be at least 14. But as soon as the girls were "ripe" and ready, there he would be walking back and forth in front of the house.... never saw that dog any other time

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