Lela and Binti on a short break in Germany
A few pics from the sisters in the Bavarian snow and otherwise.
As a precaution we had brought shoes and thick coats with us, but they were fine in their homemade fleece jackets.
https://picasaweb.google.com/115210648091473356246/26Januari2013?authuser=0&authkey=Gv1sRgCLT0nsa00budygE&feat=directlink -
Looks like a wonderful trip! I love that photo of them in the car. :)
Beautiful pictures and a beautiful countryside! The photo in the car is priceless. Good job on the jackets - don't their feet get cold? Of course, I'm asking because my B's feet, and the rest of her, are cold at anything under 60 degrees F. Guess these dogs acclimate to wherever they are raised.