Cancer treatments - herbal, homepathic
I am so sorry to read about this diagnosis.
I agree with getting a second opinion. A little bit of money spent may turn out to be more hopeful. I know someone who had a vet give them a diagnosis of cancer and essentially sent the dog home to die. The owner got a second opinion and the dog was started on pred and is still here 6 months later. (i'm not really sure of the entire story, but that's the gist of it.)
I do not have any first hand experience with chemo in dogs, but have read that with dogs, unlike with people, the goal is not to totally get rid of it as much as it is to buy some time since a dog's life span is so much shorter than humans. (I think i read this in Dr Dodman's book 'good old dog' and it is worth a read for those of us who are or soon will be facing end-of-life decisions for our beloved companions)
And the decision that we have to make, is the Chemo worth a few more months? None of us know the effects of Chemo on the dogs… We just lost Tego in Sepember to Cancer. We decided not to do Chemo that would buy him maybe 9 months instead of 6.... he was on pred for the months before we let him pass.... but it becomes a personal and difficult choice for any of us humans that are care takers for our pets.
Pat, that's the thing– until they know what type of cancer, no idea prognosis. I know for sure if they had told me Sayblee at most could have expected an extra year, I would have said no. It was the 5 yr prognosis that had me desperately trying to give her (and honestly, ME) more time. As it was, she suffered for nothing. On the other hand, she could have done well and still be here. It is simply a terrible choice only the owner can make, but I fully believe it is worth knowing the situation as fully as possible before deciding.
I am sorry about Tego.
Thanks to everyone who posted their ideas and comments.
I took Zhara to a canine cancer specialist today and had x-rays taken. The next step would be a biopsy, but I am already at the limit of my bank account. I started a donations page at GoFundMe – – and if anyone can help with the expenses, it would be much appreciated! This is just for the costs of a diagnosis.
It's a terrible feeling when you want to do whatever it takes to care for your beautiful, furry family member and don't have the funds.
What did the specialist think?
As for money, I know the feeling. There are programs that might help:
(see list for your state)
Debra, I'll check out the links. Thanks for posting them!
Things are status quo with Zhara. She looks and acts like a healthy dog, and there's been no change in her daily routines. My next step is to look into pet insurance and find out if I can purchase a plan that will cover cancer treatments.
I use herbs and homeopathic remedies for all my dogs.
The Essiac Formula is very valuable for cancer treatments.
One of my bitches had tumors on her teats, I had them removed and
she was started on the Essiac Formula and TumorTime (a mix of herbs )
She was 11 years old at the time and she passed awayjust last year at the age of
15 + years.
My vet was amazed she lived so long after surgery.
You can get the canine verzion of Essiac from
and Tumor Time from KVvet Supply
Also,go to for more remedies.Kathryn
Just found out that the lump on my female B's neck is malignant, likely sarcoma or melanoma. Because of its location and the high likelihood that it has already metastasized, my vet is recommending immunotherapy only. That is, boost her immune system without doing surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy. Of course, I want to prolong her life, but don't want her to spend her last year sick and in pain from radiation and chemo.
I'm looking for information from any owners who have tried immunotherapy for dogs with cancer. There are clinics that offer naturopathic treatments (pill or powder) that boost the dog's immune system and help it to fight the cancer naturally. I also found a vaccine called Oncept that treats canine cancer.
If you have used herbal/naturopathic therapies for a dog with cancer–either alone or in addition to surgery, chemo, and/or radiation--please let me know what you tried and how it worked. Zhara's diagnosis was just two days ago, so I'm gathering as much information as I can about ALL the options for her.
Thank you.
What exactly does the Vet recommend? it sounds interesting, as I would not want radiation therapy for any of my dogs for cancer. If not a good outlook with a 'surgery', I would do a hospice for my fur-baby…..
Sadly most of the insurances, probably all, will not cover pre-existing. :(
I use herbs and homeopathic remedies for all my dogs.
The Essiac Formula is very valuable for cancer treatments.
One of my bitches had tumors on her teats, I had them removed and
she was started on the Essiac Formula and TumorTime (a mix of herbs )
She was 11 years old at the time and she passed awayjust last year at the age of
15 + years.
My vet was amazed she lived so long after surgery.
You can get the canine verzion of Essiac from
and Tumor Time from KVvet Supply
Also,go to for more remedies.Kathryn
I found the website for the Essiac formula, read the reviews, and ordered a 2 oz. bottle.
In the meantime, I've started adding veggies in the food bowls for both dogs: broccoli, kale, and yesterday, a few pieces of Brussels sprouts. I found some good recommendations for a canine cancer diet at
Essiac has been touted as cancer cure for well over 80 yrs. Instead of me writing, here is a really thorough overview:
I had given my girl with cancer Reishi Mushroom, shark cartledge and Coconut oil daily it helped slow down the tumor growth. Here is also a good site with some info. . Bloodroot Black Salve is also good and Neoplasene is also good but both of these need to be done with a vet.
Sending good healing thoughts.
I just bought this. It really helped my Paolo, a r/w 5 years old I just adopted in August. His coat looks great and he looks and feels better.