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Admittedly Odd Puppy Food Question

Basenji Feeding
  • @tanza:

    What are the registered names of the sire and dam's of the litters?

    The litters are:

    GCH. Victory Meisterhaus The X Factor ("Simon") X MBISS/NSBIS GCh. Meisterhaus Dazzle 'N Daze ("Dara")

    Meisterhaus Puzzle Piece ("Puzzle") X MBISS GCh. Meisterhaus Signet Glitz 'N Glamour ("Bella")

    Ch. Meisterhaus No Nonsense ("Jasper") / Meisterhaus Jadaka Tribal Dance ("Drummer") X Ch. Meisterhaus Signet Hell or High Water ("Rain") - dual-sired litter

    I don't know much about multiple-sired litters or how the AKC DNA testing works. I believe correct parentage is determined before registration?

  • So the dual sired litter (Jasper and Drummer) will have AKC DNA for parentage before registration. And any that are from Jasper will be 1/2 to my kids since he is their sire. It is a cheek swab. One could have sired all or could be mixed. I know one person that did a dual sired litter, had 10 (yes you are read right, 10) and all 10 were sired by one male… so you never know!

    Rain is also related to Jasper through Signet Hillbilly Rock Star and his dam, Meisterhaus Tears & Tantrums, so also related

    Puzzle is a 1/2 sister to Jasper, as they have the same Dam, so those puppies are related to my kids. Rain is also related to Jasper through Signet Hillbilly Rock Star and his dam, Meisterhaus Tears & Tantrums. And Bella is a littermate to Rain

    Simon is related also, through Meisterhaus Tears & Tantrums back as is Dara

    So anyone of the pups will be related to C-Me x Jasper babies!

    And they will all be related to lisastewart's Gambit and Tempest, since that are Jasper's litter sisters

  • Sounds like he has a lot of relations on here… on both coasts! I'll be happy to know who he is and to have him home. One more week!

    It's interesting to see how the lines are so interrelated. And I find the dual-sired litter intriguing. I haven't heard much about that, and I'm not sure why they tried it, but I'm curious to see how the parentage turns out. There are two tris in the Rain litter, so perhaps they are Jasper's. Though if Rain had a tri father...

    Boy, that Hillbilly Rock Star sure does get around! :) I believe he's the one they call Kenny?

  • Can't wait to hear who you get!

  • ownedbyspencer- We are getting very excited and cannot wait to find out which puppy Tad will match us and Loki with. Ours will get here the 25th or 26th, so we have 2 more weeks. Our friends, who already have a boy from Tad, are flying up to pick up their puppy as well as ours and then driving back down. Meanwhile we will have their boy who just over a week younger than Loki. The boys will have a blast as they've really bonded the past few months since we ran into each other and began meeting about once a week. They will be exhausted by the time the puppies get here! Not to mention it's a huge help to us as I'm still recovering from a broken ankle and blood clots :( The drive would be a bit much at this point and take much longer than usual since I'd need to get out every 2-3 hrs to walk around. Can't wait to see pics of your puppy, and who knows, they may even be littermates!

  • Yes, it's pins and needles time for all of us puppy parents-in-waiting! I'm sorry to hear about your health issues, TMartin, but it's wonderful that your friend can pick up your new baby for you. I hope you heal quickly! Those two weeks will fly right by, I'm sure– and I'll post pics as soon as I have them. :)

  • TMartin–

    Do you know who your puppy is yet or when you can pick her/him up?

  • Don't know which puppy yet, but our friends are flying up next Thursday and will be back either Friday or Saturday. What about you?

  • Unfortunately, no, and I'm having logistical issues. But I'm glad yours is working out!

  • Oh no! Hopefully everything works out.

  • Thanks! It's a bit of a nightmare, really.

  • ownedbyspencer- How are things going? Have you been able to work out the issues you were having with picking up your puppy?

  • TMartin- I was just looking for this thread so I could ask the same thing!?

  • Thank you both for asking– it's so kind of you! But no. Depressing to think that three weeks ago I was concerned about getting the puppy food and now I'm concerned about getting the puppy.

    TMartin, I hope your puppy is still coming home this week. Have you found out which one you're getting?

  • I really hope things work out!

    Our friends left this morning and dropped off their boy, so he and Loki are having a blast. Tad said he is going back and forth between the tri girl and some of the boys, but we'll definitely know tonight since they are hoping to begin the drive home by 5-6 this evening. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the girl…I love tri girls!

  • I'm so happy for you, TMartin! I'll be sending some tri vibes your way and hope that she's yours. Let us know– and safe travels to your friends and the pups!

  • Tri girl! We picked her up yesterday after I got off work from our friends and she is adorable. Loki ignored her at first, but is now grooming and playing with her. I'll post photos once I have a bit of time to upload them to my laptop.

  • Congrats… from which litter? And ownedbyspencer???? what about you?

  • Tanza- from the Jasper/Drummer and Rain litter.

  • I'm SO happy to hear your good news, TMartin! I saw a photo of the tri girl when she was tiny and she is absolutely adorable! Please do post pics. I haven't seen photos of the pups since they were about three weeks old, and they'll be so big now!

    No, Tanza, I'm still waiting to hear. It's so hard, and I just don't understand.

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