Admittedly Odd Puppy Food Question
Oof, I'd return the order…
I know, right– you try to be organized and ready, then it's back to square one because everything arrives damaged! Ah, well, back it all goes...
I feed Fromm's dry food and it's never come in a vacuumed sealed bag?
The smallest bags, grain free are what I feed and I swear they are.
This is my first experience with the Fromm brand, but the bags are sealed. The valve is on the side.
Fromm’s email said extreme changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure could have caused air to build up in the bag, then it was completely expelled through the one-way valve during palletization and transport. Solid Gold has hermetically-sealed bags, so I’m used to the sealing, but this looks way different. The valve could have been damaged, so Fromm’s said to send it back.
I wish I could just buy the food locally, but it’s special order and would take three weeks to get it in!!!
The smallest bags, grain free are what I feed and I swear they are.
ahhh that is why… are correct the small grain free version is vacuum sealed but all the regular versions are not :)
Pamela, have you been owned by another dog??? Just wondering!
Not quite yet, Chealsie, but soon! The breeder is still people matching, so I'm waiting to hear. I have everything but the puppy… and now, the food.
I'll introduce him when I know who he is. The suspense is killing me! :)
I'm so incredibly happy for you! You, more than anyone I've "met" is the most deserving, you've had a hard road with Spencer and I know he is pushing for you and this. He is going to be one very lucky pup.
A major Congratulations!!
Thanks, Chealsie– that's so kind of you! It has been bittersweet on many levels. But new year, new beginnings...
Now I get to relive crate training!
Thank you! He is coming from Tad Brooks, though I'm not sure which litter. Bella, Rain and Dara have puppies.
I believe he will have "cousins" on this forum?
I don't think they come vacuum packed. O.o I ordered mine and got it last week and I don't remember thinking it was a brick!
I'm actually really happy to know that a lot of the Senji parents here feed theirs Fromm. I literally switched to Fromm a few days ago because I was having trouble getting my picky eater to eat! I've tried everything! She's eating the Fromm food, even finishing her bowls at all her meal times. So I'm guessing this is good stuff. :)
Thank you! He is coming from Tad Brooks, though I'm not sure which litter. Bella, Rain and Dara have puppies.
I believe he will have "cousins" on this forum?
Yes he will! We are getting a Meisterhaus puppy this month too, as are friends of ours who already have a boy from Tad. I can't wait to find out who our puppy will be and from which litter.
You must be so thrilled and eagerly anticipating the decision on who will be yours! A puppy is going to be so great for you, and ps…house training is still house training no matter how many years later, lol!!
Can't wait to hear stories and posts and most importantly PICTURES!!
Pat ( 6 weeks already!) time really flies, any prospects you're looking to keep?
Thanks so much, everyone! The puppy is coming home next week, and I will be so excited to get him. It's great to know he will have cousins and possibly littermates on here. TMartin, I'm so excited for you! When do you pick up your puppy?
And Pat, if my puppy or TMartin's puppy are from Rain's litter, they could be your puppies' half-brother. Your pups are adorable– I've been watching them grow on Facebook. LOVE the tris!
Chealsie... ah, house training-- I remember it well. I hope this puppy takes to his crate better than Spencer did. Spencer wanted nothing to do with a crate... ever! That was the only thing he really rebelled against. Thank goodness he wasn't house destructive. He had access to the entire house and seldom bothered a thing. So I'm hoping my luck holds. LOL!
An update on the food:
The new bag of puppy food arrived, and it was fine. So something did happen to that first bag, and I'm glad I sent it back.
According to Fromm's, they use hermetic sealing. My new bag looks just like the Solid Gold bags, which also have an airtight seal. There is a small valve on the side of the bag. I'm not sure how long Fromm's has been sealing the bags this way, so maybe it's a new thing. I was impressed with Fromm's customer service and am looking forward to trying their products. I also bought a couple bags of their treats, so we'll see what the puppy thinks!
I am such a huge fan of Fromms, they are incredibly transparent as a company….they've never had a recall and are family operated and have a lot of security measures in place. One time I couldn't tell if oak was sick because of the food or just in general ( around the time of the diamond recalls) and they asked for the batch info an looked into it, took it serious and were so gracious!!! I will not switch foods, Oakley loves all the varieties and I now mix one bag grain free to one bag limited grain and its a hit at my house...the adds benefits of a great company are a big bonus too!
Can't say enough great things about them -
Treats are awesome too! Oaks favorites are the cheddar one, they come in circular biscuits and training treat size..