Jumoke's Jazzy Lady
How awful! You're in my thoughts/prayers.
It's so hard to lose them, nevermind unexpectedly. My deepest condelences, I hope the road ahead with Keoki is full of smooth transitions.
So very sorry to hear of your loss. We are sure she will have a special tile on the Rainbow Bridge.
My heart breaks for you. It's hard caring for a Fanconi dog and even harder to lose one. Sending warm, healing thoughts to you and Keoki.
I'm very sorry to hear of Jazzy's sudden passing. No matter how much time you have to prepare your heart, it can't be easy.
I am so sorry for your loss. Does the vet have any idea what would cause that sudden of crash? It is hard enough when expected, but when that suddenly you simply have no time to prepare. Sending all the comfort I can your way.
So sorry for your loss, bless you for caring for Jazzy and for making the toughest decision any of us ever has to make.
Therese and Kevin Leimback
FoPaw's Basenjis -
Thanks Everyone.
Keoki has not been handling the loss of Jazzy very well. He does okay, though he's not playful right now and hasn't baroo'd since her death and it used to be a frequent occurrence with him. Nights are VERY difficult as he is up crying most of the night. He is currently on anti-anxiety meds and we're getting 3 -4 hours of solid sleep each night, followed by another 3 - 4 hours of VERY restless napping.
We had him crated Sunday while we went to church and he went into his old destructive mode – my bad, I forgot to move everything away from the crate and had a few things on top of the metal crate. We came home to completely destroyed bedding, papers torn beyond recognition, my camera case chewed up , a camera cable chewed up. The bottom of his crate wasn't even under the crate any more.
Poor guy. Working with the vet to try to get him through this difficult adjustment. We are almost back to square one where we were when he first arrived. :-(.
We are hoping that a week or two on the meds will help ease him into his new life situation. -
Just a quick update – Keoki did NOT adjust well, and after several weeks of me having to sit up next to his crate to prevent him SCREAMING in the night [we did try having him sleep in our room on a bed, no crate, but he just kept pacing and going from my husband to me, sticking his nose in our faces], and his having absolute PANIC attacks every time we had to leave him home alone we cracked . . .
and brought home Teazer Khani's Sorceress at Kabar, otherwise known as "Fiona".
Keoki was not happy at first and we had several really iffy weeks, but they've settled down nicely and while she does annoy him a lot when he's trying to nap and she wants to play {He's 6 1/2 yrs old, she's 1 1/2 yrs old – he likes to nap more than play, lol}, they do play together A LOT.
He's sleeping peacefully at night, and crating quietly when we go out.
Life is normal again :-).
So happy for you - I love Picture 4! May they have a long and happy life together!
Awwww, he just wanted a friend. Glad you have a new peaceful normal.