If you live in Charlotte, NC and need a pet sitter - Call Deb of Rubs and Walkies!

  • I just wanted to post this recommendation for Deb of Rubs and Walkies. Unfortunately for us, she has moved from Providence to Charlotte, NC, so we can't benefit from her dog whispering ways anymore. However, if you live near Charlotte, NC, you're in luck! She is getting her business up and running there - so if there is any basenji on the forum who needs some TLC while their owners are away on vacation or just in need of daily walks and attention - call Deb!

    Deb watched Tayda and Lenny when Ondrej and I were in Europe for 3 weeks and on multiple other occasions for long weekends, late nights at work, etc etc. She was absolutely amazing and I would highly, highly recommend her. Tayda has to be pilled everyday for her Fanconi and Deb took a lot of extra time and effort to learn to pill Tayda the way we do, and to make sure that everyone (humans and canines) were comfortable with the whole procedure. She's prompt, thorough, responsible, friendly, trustworthy, and she is a dog lover through and through and it really shows in the way that she treats her 4 legged friends. She is also an amazing photographer and sent us pictures of the B's during her email updates of how things were going. I could go on and on about her, really.

    So if you're lucky enough to live in Charlotte - call Deb. She's the best.

  • You can also "like" her Facebook page and you'll see lots of amazing photos and hilarious videos starring her own canines - Oliver and Fresca - a pair of iggies!


  • Thanks! I'll forward to my mom who does live in Charlotte, of course, sadly, it won't do me much good, living in colorado

  • Awesome! I live just outside of Charlotte and have to travel pretty frequently for work. Always nice to have a personal recommendation.

  • Oh great! Here is her website if you want more info and her contact information


    If you call her - let her know you first found out about her from my thread! She'll get a kick out of that!


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