Hi! just reading thru this and all the suggestions are great, but if I may back up a bit….Why rush mother nature???? If he has been crated and not familiar with the world, why not make and allow the time for the guy you adopted? Let him learn by watching and you in return can gain tremendously by allowing the trust/bond with him. Let him watch the handicapped, bicycle, whatever, praise him (verbal or otherwise what ever is rewarding for him) after a reasonable time for not 'over-reacting' and then he would be more inclined to go with you and finish the walk. Uzie was rescued under similar circumstances and though I 'worked' with him, I had to allow him TIME-time for maturity, learning curve, environmental enrichment etc. It is different in every dog, human, animal............Patience.
Gossy the wonder dog.
Gossy the prima donna went to her first AKC Rally event yesterday. While her obedience wasn't the greatest (wasn't always focused on me), and the judge was reputed to be a real stickler, Gossy did good enough to get a decent qualifying score on her first try! Woohoooo!
Great news, congrats!
Congratulations to you and Gossy
Congrats. That is awesome.