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Basenji Health Issues & Questions
  • And just on another note!… :-)..... at my Vet's office if they have to have a procedure, the deal is, I promise to be there within 15 minutes of the call to come and get them! LOL.... they know Basenjis!

    I have had ones stay when surgery for a blockage or some other medical procedure like for a tumor that was very involved. But those were all in hospitals that there is all night coverage. My Vet doesn't do overnight, she sends you off to an overnight hospital where there is supervision....

    I agree, keeping them overnight in an unman facility is just a way to get money... and think of it this way... what in the world are they charging for when no one is there.

  • I agree with all of you, I just thought the rules may have changed and I was being over protective. I think I will ask the vet if I can spend the night with Gracie at the facility. LOL I bet that would leave him speechless.

  • I think the vets have discovered this is a good way to make money. Back when my bitches were spayed, it was never a question I was taking them home…...nothing else was suggested. But 5 years ago when I had my current boy neutered, they matter of factly stated he would be staying overnight, to which I replied "What the hell for?" Needless to say, I took him home! Unless you are not able to supervise your dog, or you are dealing with something that needs high tech equipment, IMO he or she is always going to be better off with the people who love him and will watch over him. I pick up on things with my animals that a vet would never notice, simply because I know them. I can pick up a very subtle change that would likely go unnoticed by the casual observer, and hopefully head off trouble before it becomes serious.

  • Pat, they told me I wouldn't be able to pick Oakley up until after four- they called my cell then my work at 12:15 and told me Oakley wanted to come home…when I got there all the nurses and receptionists were like " o, your the one he's been barooing for!"

    We got home, he whimpered a little then settled down in his bed surrounded by new toys (out of guilt) and I layed next to him while he slept like a baby...and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way

  • @Candy:

    I agree with all of you, I just thought the rules may have changed and I was being over protective. I think I will ask the vet if I can spend the night with Gracie at the facility. LOL I bet that would leave him speechless.

    Great Idea… LOL, can't wait to hear the answer. I would add when you ask.... Since there is no one here overnight, how about I just come and stay with her?

  • I would never leave any dog overnight at an unstaffed clinic after any surgical procedure. The last time I owned a dog that stayed over night for a neuter/spay was when I was a kid in the early 70s. I do not think I have heard of anyone who had a dog stay overnight for a spay/neuter even for an older dog unless there were complications. If your girl has surgery in the morning, she should definitely be ready to go home in the afternoon. I am not sure too many vets would want to keep a Basenji overnight unless absolutely necessary!


  • When Nicky had to go in for his last surgery, the vet had never done surgery on one of my basenjis so when they called to say he was out of surgery, I did what I normally do which is finish up what I am doing and make my way over to the vet's office. When I got there and asked how he was doing and if he was ready for me to take home, the vet was shocked. She said he was out of anesthesia but would need to be there at least another 2 hours before they could even consider releasing him. I told her, you know, he once he is truly recovered from the anesthetic you won't want him here even a minute longer so if he is stable, he should probably just come home now. She insisted, so I told her, if I leave now and you say 2 hours minimum, don't call and expect me to be here so fast because I am going to go run some errands and it may not be so easy to get here. She still insisted. 20 minutes later, she is calling asking me to get back ASAP because they are getting complaints from everyone in the complex because he is pitching such a fit. Of course, now I can't just pop right back so I say, I'll do the best I can. Took me another 20 minutes to get back. I could hear him as I pulled into the parking lot. They were quite happy to send him home with me at that point. I was surprised it wasn't noted in his file that he cannot stay at clinic for any length of time. He has quite a reputation.

  • @Candy:

    I agree with all of you, I just thought the rules may have changed and I was being over protective.

    I just want to add, you are the one paying, you make the rules. I don't think they can refuse to release your dog to you if you have paid the bill. They can ask you to sign a release that you are doing it against their advice (cover their ass paperwork), but otherwise, it is your dog. They have no right to hold her if your bill is paid. And I would call the cops if they tried!

  • @tanza:

    Great Idea… LOL, can't wait to hear the answer. I would add when you ask.... Since there is no one here overnight, how about I just come and stay with her?

    You could even offer to do this at a reduced rate from your normal fees.<gg>

    Really, if she needs overnight care, I'd offer to pick her up and take her to the Evet where they have overnight staff. Otherwise, she can come home.

    I usally bring baked goods when my kids have to have surgery. I want happy vets/staff dealing with my dogs. Of couse if it's very high in sugar, I ask them to please OD on the goodies AFTER surgery on my pup. I did this when I had Zest! spayed and I told them this had been a very difficult descision for me. The tech asked if they should do Z last, so I'd have time to change my mind. I replied "NO, do her first, so I don't."</gg>

  • LOL Lisa… great story about Nicky... and how true with these kids.

  • @agilebasenji:

    you could even offer to do this at a reduced rate from your normal fees. <gg>"</gg>


  • My Nicky was at the vet's ICU last year for 3 nights, they knew when she was better and ready to come home when the screaming and crate-shaking started at 4 am! I got a call around 8 to come and get her before she broke teeth fighting the crate! They thought it was pretty funny that such a sick, passive little dog turned into Dogzilla so fast.
    I had never left a dog at a vets overnight before that, and she was in a big room with 4 or 5 techs and a vet there 24/7. If no one was present to tend to her, I would never leave a dog, period.

  • I had a rescue girl that had intestinal surgery and on the last day she was definitely getting better as she was trying to get to the leash that was hanging outside the kennel.


  • I'd never ever leave any of my dogs in an unsupervised kennel overnight. In fact I'm sure if my vets had this rule they'd make an exception of Basenjis!!. They are always grateful when I collect my Basenjis after an operation just for peace and quiet!!
    Being serious I think this is a dangerous rule. Wwould you bring your dog home after an operation and go away for the night? If the answer is no (and I assume it is) why would you leave her/him alone in a strange place with a strange collar on and so apparently trapped!

  • when Ebby was spayed, we dropped her in at 8am and picked her up at 4pm. the OH dropped her off with her blankie and toy as i had to go to work and in my morning tea break called them to check in on her, the OH must have warned them i would as they were expecting my call. They even called me after she came out of surgery to let me know she was recovering well.

    When Hope dislocated her hip, it was of course at 11pm and we rushed her to the emergency vet clinic. they took her in and sedated her & gave her pain meds and done all their procedures while another vet nurse was dealing with me and paperwork for Hope. Once done i would have happily slept in the waiting room but was ordered off home. They were brilliant and rang me straight after her procedure. Within 4 hours from her hip being put back in place they asked me to come in. Naturally she had to stay quiet for the next 3wks with minimal movement (omg and she was like 10mths old)… they OFFERED to keep her in (crated and sedated) for a few days (at my expense of course) but i happily declined as of course we had crate trained her (i was ever so thankful i did!). They said any issues to bring her back in, she came out (back leg was in a sling) just as lively as she usually is and gave me the floppy side ear look like you left me mum. The staff were quiet smitten with her actually. That night me being a paranoid mummy thought her sling was just not quiet right (slipping and naturally, she hated it), took her back and they decided since she is crate trained and happy to stay in the crate that they could take the sling off provided she stayed on strict bed rest. Then we just had a free check up with my proper vet to make sure it was all healing nicely.

    I chose my vet because it wasnt a large commercial vet, but a small qualified vet that my breeder also goes to. So they kinda get Basenjis :)

    I wouldnt leave my basenjis overnight at a vet unsupervised full stop. My friend picked up a paralisis tick and was at his local vet during the day but needed to stay overnight and was transfered to an overnight clinic which have vets there. there is no need for unsupervised stays

  • Maca is not well welcome at the vet, she was there for one day, and the vet was so happy that i was pick up her the same day hahaha she destroyed a cage… they were there because Maca bites Laika and Laika had to stay there several days until i get fixed the garden door, But she was sad and quiet.

    I dont want to repeat that.. poor girls...

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