• My basenjis love frozen treats.

    The bag of “good stuff” inside the turkey or chicken gets boiled, run through a blender, and frozen in an ice cube tray. The cube sized frozen treat is perfect for a warm summer day. The left over broth is also frozen into cubes. The broth cube gets thawed in the microwave oven and added to the dry kibble for dinner.

    Another frozen treat loved by my B-s is a frozen Kong toy. I soften the dry kibble into a paste with water or broth. The paste is stuffed into a classic red cone Kong toy and frozen. This frozen treat takes more than a few minutes for the dogs to finish.
    Freezing the paste inside the rubber Kong takes a while.
    So plan ahead.

  • Because it is so hot here in PA I tried placing the "Kong toy" with peanut butter in the freezer for a little bit and took it out to see if my boy would have interest…he LOVED it! Thanks for a great idea and please know how much Gibby enjoyed his cool treat!

  • my dog loves peanut butter mixed with non-fat plain yogurt. put some kibble in to block the small hole of the kong, fill w/ pb/yogurt mix, place in a cup (incase of leaks) and freeze.

    I also make a fruit one, with non-fat plain yogurt & mandarin oranges.

    I haven't tried using the bag of gizzards yet… I'll have to try that this fall when I'm making more whole chickens/turkey.

  • My vet told me to never give my dog people food, especially milk products. I do however give her peanut butter in her kong, ritz crackers, and pretzels, and she also loves watermelon, and banana bread. She's spoiled I know, but I just say she is loved. haha

  • Define "people food".

    I've never heard a vet include cheese or yogurt in the lists of what not to feed a dog. But I know most frown on giving them cookies, crackers, pastas, sauces, and meats like hot dogs. And most don't mind peanut butter - esp. if it's a low-fat or low-salt variety.

    Oh yeah. Banana bread. One of Jazzy's favorites, too but she seldom gets any {have to watch her girlish figure}. Her most favorite people food is popcorn. Plug that popper in, and it'll wake her up from a dead sleep!

  • My vet says plain yogurt is okay and most seem to like it. Abbey does not like milk at all though. She's never had anything sweet. I tried giving her a little bite of banana and she acted like I was offering her a rattlesnake or something. She started backing up and trying to get away. My shitzu Bandit who died 3 years ago at the age of 16 liked bananas more than anything. Abbey's fond of scrambled eggs and likes to watch me make them. She likes all veggies, even stewed tomatoes. I never thought of making meat flavored ice cubes and will have to try that because she loves an ice cube on a hot day!

  • The meat flavored cubes is a great idea. I do fill my B's black kong with pnut butter and some of her hard food, but I've yet to try freezing it. Will definately try it though, as Hollie has the food & pnut butter out in seconds flat. Thanks for the info!

  • Is anyone familiar with the Kong Stuff'n Hounds 27 Meaty Roast Beef Gourmet Sauce? It is soupy!:eek: I've never used any of the Kong food products. I have a couple kongs, but I wedge a milk bone inside them. I thought the kong stuff would be thick enough to stay inside. I bought the wrong stuff, but the label show a kong being filled. It's kind of pricey too.:mad: I'm getting creative ideas here so I pasted some cream cheese (not too much) inside instead. Duke loved it. I'll keep the turkey stuffing idea in mind in November.

  • I bought the Kong stuff and Sahara loved it. You fill the kong and put it in the freezer with the plastic holder it comes with so it will not leak out while freezing. I also use peanut butter.

  • Could it be possible that neither one of my B's likes peanut butter or liver treats or fruit of any kind??!!! Who are these dogs??

  • Peanut Butter Puppy Poppers: Ingredients are 2 cups of wheat flour, one tablespoon of baking powder, one cup of peanut butter either smooth or crunchy, one cup of milk. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Combine the flour and baking powder in one bowl. In a separate bowl mix the peanut butter and milk, then add the dry ingredients and mix well. Place the dough on a lightly floured surface and knead briefly. Roll to 1/4 inch thick, then use a cookie cutter to cut shapes. Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes till brown. Be careful because they do burn easily because of the peanut butter. Let cool and serve one to a hungry Pup. Store in an airtight container.

  • I'm in the baking mood. Thanks for the recipe Lenora. This will be Duke's first Christmas - I'll make it special for him with these cookies. 🙂

  • I have heard for a teething puppy nylabones placed in the freezer are a great reliever.

    On a side note my cat loves strawberry yogurt, and strawberry ice cream.

  • Has anyone tried this one? In a cupcake liner slice frozen banana in bottom, mix pb and yogurt together and put on top of banana and freeze the whole thing. Nutritious and Delicious!!!! (I make my own yogurt)

  • These ideas are great. I try to give my dogs treats for being nice. I find that if I feed him a little of our dinner before we sit and eat, he leaves us alone. Yeah well sometimes you have to bargain with them. My husband was afraid to give Champ ice thinking that he might choke but Champ seems to be careful and just licks it up so those receips on the frozed treats are wonderful. I want to take this time and get a little off the subject though. I was in the park and came across an owner who had just lost his dog a week ago. He said his dog was eating and like many other dogs did not chew his food completly and the dog started choking. Sadly, the owner did not know what to do and his little girl died in his arms. We are going to print out and paste on the refridgerator the instructions on how to help a choking dog and wanted you all to be informed of this tragedy so you can prevent it from happening.

  • That is terrible!! And how guilty the owner must feel not being able to help his poochey. With the ice you may want to put it in the blender to crush it a bit before giving it to your dogs. Or, try making a slushy-anybody got any suggestions for flavours???

  • Pepperoni and Peanut butter (not together…yuck!) are the two things my B loves more than anything. I go light on the pepproni's because they're pretty salty, but she loves a good knife licking on peanut butter sandwich day.

  • Lillie does not like peanut butter! All my other dogs that I have had loved peanut butter! Her fav is Frosty Paws, ice cream for dogs in a dixie cup.
    She absolutely loves them. They come in original and peanut butter flavor. The peanut butter flavor doesn't smell like PB so she'll eat either flavor. She carries the dixie in her mouth and enjoys it in my living room, leaving the empty dixie cup for me!

  • I love them all! My favorite is probably soft serve. I'd love to find soft serve in flavors beyond chocolate and vanilla!

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