• Jenga is going on 6 months of age and most of the days he spends with me at my side constantly. During the day when we are home alone he very rarely will have an accident in the house and when he does I can say that it is probably my fault as I was not watching for his signal to go out.
    However, when the family comes home, particularily my husband, he will usually urinate. Last night my husband let him out for a few minutes and then he came in and just went on the floor in front of him. Hubby is beginning to get a bit frustrated and thinks he is not the super smart dog I keep claiming him to be!
    Any ideas?
    Also, is it common for this breed to bond with the primary person (myself) and be a bit aloof to the rest of the family?

  • It could be submissive urination. Especially if your husband doesn't particularly like him, the dog may be picking up on that. Yes, Basenjis may be aloof from people they haven't bonded with.

  • Can you persuade your husband and the rest of the family to feed Jenga for a while. It sounds to me that he is wary of your husband. Yes they will bond with one person but it is all matter of patience. Feeding especially by hand will most probably solve the situation.

    Do you have a command for him to urinate? Maybe when your husband takes him outside he (your husband) doesn't use it.

  • You also need to be outside with the dog to make sure he actually goes to the bathroom. I have to do this with the adults especially when the grass is wet or when it is raining!


  • Been there, done that! It gets tiresome after awhile. I even wrote a Haiku about it:

    Stupid f**king dog
    has not peed this morning yet
    and I want breakfast!

  • Our first B is also 6 months old now. It can take far longer than a few minutes outside for him to potty and unless one of us actually witnesses him peeing or I look under to see if his hair down there is wet, I never just think he went because he was outside for a bit. My boy can be stubborn about taking a long time to go! For example, we're at my mom's right now babysitting her cats (never again!) and he refuses to potty in her yard, so I walk him across the street to a few empty lots and he'll promptly do his business. As to the bonding, he's bonded with my husband, myself, as well as my in-laws (though not to the extent that he is with us) since we all live together. I stay at home right now, so he's used to me being there with him but he isn't necessarily more bonded to me than with my husband, it's just a different type of bond. How does your husband feel towards him? If they are not bonding, I'd say to try having your husband play more, walk him, help with training, and even do some hand-feeding. I've noticed with mine that he listens better to me as I do the bulk of the training with him, though my husband is finally catching on to the fact that if he wants Loki to listen to him, then he actually needs to work with him himself more often 😉

  • @eeeefarm:

    Been there, done that! It gets tiresome after awhile. I even wrote a Haiku about it:

    Stupid f**king dog
    has not peed this morning yet
    and I want breakfast!

    LOVE the haiku! I think because it is so true. Especially on wet days. As for the husband doggy issue my B's both definately listen to me more because I do most of the training with them and he goes from wanting them to do something to frustrated when they don't do what he tells them to. They are smart and they know and intimidation will NOT work with this breed. When housetraining my boy I used the clicker to get him to go outside. After he was done then he got a super yummy treat (freeze dried liver). He caught on real quick. Maybe hubby should try to give him a treat when he does go outside to potty. I also believe having a code word is a great idea when training them. Take puppy outisde and say 'go potty' once they start doing this click the clicker wait until they are finished and they run over to you and give them the treat. I find clicker training very effective.

  • @eeeefarm:

    Been there, done that! It gets tiresome after awhile. I even wrote a Haiku about it:

    Stupid f**king dog
    has not peed this morning yet
    and I want breakfast!

    Gotta love 'em - LOL. I can remember thinking your haiku quite often when Shaye was little. Once she learned it though, it was solid, no forgetting.

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