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Non-basenji adopter needs help

Locked Basenji Rescue
  • Friends who have a dime to spare, please help. I would be shooting myself about now if I were Ellen and adopted not only a chow in need, but had 7 unexpected puppies with it. Please donate a little if you can.

    From a gal on the Chow boards. What she didn't post is that Ellen took this sweet dog to stop her being put down, was not so much in shape to take even her, but when folks who are not chow rescue post pleas as a dog is so sweet, what are you going to do? So she adopted, with the shetler SWEARING they didn't spay as she was "in heat". In heat my butt… not quite 4 wks later, ... I have helped some but this comes at a terrible time for me

    From her sister: T
    This is a Chip-In for my sister, who adopted Snowball, the little black Chow girl, in April. Some of you may remember Snowball, she was saved from a kill shelter in North Carolina just MINUTES before being put to sleep. Unexpectedly, Snowball was expecting! There are now 7 puppies plus mama. Mama Snowball got sick and had to go the the vet today - she is OK and back home, but please share and help if you can. Any amount would be most appreciated. We were all totally unprepared for puppies - and a big litter, at that! There's a short video on the Chip-in page showing babies and mama, a few days after they were born.

    ChipIn: Snowball & Snowflakes

  • No disrespect here, but is this type of post for donations approved by the forum administrators?

  • This is about rescue dogs, not for me, so I don't think it is an issue. If it is, the admins will remove it. Since this forum has a section for SELLING YOUR STUFF, I would be pretty surprised if asking for help for a rescue, not your own, would be an issue.

  • No problem, we thought when we signed up on this site there was something in the community rules that prohibited things like this unless the admins had approved it. We thought that was a good rule to help keep people from being scammed.

    We looked again, and apparently there is a community rule. Here is a copy of it.


    Please send us a private message to before posting any donation solicitation, fundraiser ideas or any Basenji Forums community related commercial activity involving money collection. Doing this without our prior permission can result in suspension of your membership and a ban."

  • I guess it is fine to offer forum policing services for free. ;)

  • Wow, are you getting paid for all your expert advice and contributions to this forum?

    We know you love to play Devils advocate eeeefarm. By the way we know you are busy, but what kind of farming do you do? Anyway do you think it would be better if a complaint was made instead or a forum member or two got ripped off?

    Maybe we are smoking crack LOL, but ripoff posts have been known to happen on the internet.

  • Just because you preface a statement with "no disrespect" does not mean it is not a disrespectful statement. Id like to point out Debra has been a member of this forum since 2006 and an avid poster. I find the turn in which this thread has gone to be distasteful. If anyone has an issue with the nature of the content posted then it should be taken up with the moderator privately rather than publicly insinuating something negative. Which by the way, is also on the forum rules.

  • @TwinDogsDifferentMothers:

    Wow, are you getting paid for all your expert advice and contributions to this forum?

    Nope, it's a free service. Glad you enjoy it! :)

  • So you are saying, that even though no disrespect was meant, and we inquired about this post based on something we sort of remembered reading when we first signed on, makes us disrespectful and the thread distasteful?

    Asking about forum rules publicly insinuates something negative and that's against forum rules?

    Let us see if we understand this logic: Just because someone has been a member longer and posts on a regular basis makes what they post ok?

    We agree, you should make a complaint to the moderator. Since it appears to be against the rules to ask a simple question, we will make an inquiry to the moderator ourselves. We hope you do not object to our right to do that.

  • @TwinDogsDifferentMothers:

    We agree, you should make a complaint to the moderator. Since it appears to be against the rules to ask a simple question, we will make an inquiry to the moderator ourselves. We hope you do not object to our right to do that.

    So when you contact the moderator are you also going to let them know that you were previously posting under the user name ComicDom1. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so…but just to be sure I've fired off an email to the owners of the forum. Oh...and doing the multiple username registration is against forum rules as well:

    1. Reasons for ban
    Registering under more than one username and pretending to be another person

  • What makes it disrespectful is that 1) if you dont have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all…you certainly didnt have to post ANYTHiNG since nothing you said was related to the thread, what would have been seen as acceptable is asking the moderator to further explain the rule and point out you see someone has violated a does no good to post as the thread was already started, it seems you just have the need for others to see you as being right by pointing it out publicly. So yes, that to me is distasteful.
    Asking the moderator about a rule is appropriate, not pointing out a rule on the forum. It is not up to forum member to make distinctions about the rules. Whether or not you are right, what good does it do to tell Debra she is wrong? What are you expecting from pointing this out?

    Simply put, As Debra has been a very active member since 2006, I wholeheartedly believe her thread is the truth, not a scam and someone is in need. This forum has members who have been long time members and we form bonds and ties ( though most have never met face to face).
    Let me also state, you were not asking a simple question, as you already searched for the answer and found were looking to publicly point out something that is a moot point. If you don't like Debra's post because it breaks the rules then the only thing that makes sense is to contact the moderator, otherwise it seems you are just looking to be right!
    This thread is about an animal in need, and it would be nice to get it back on topic so it will get exposure. Those who wish to taker part will, those who don't should just go about their business...and no, I certainly don't object to contacting the moderator, I find that having a moderator is one of the best things about this forum, it keeps the board on track an focused on the animals.

    Debra, hope to get an update on snowflake and her puppies. While I don't know much about the Chow breed I take it 7 is a rather large litter? Are they purebred or mixes?

  • TwinDogsDifferentMothers has a valid point. I once donated several hundred dollars to a similar cause espoused by someone I believed to be legitimate. I never heard back and assume it was a scam. Considering the number of post/menopausal women on this forum (based on the bitchy nature of some of the posts!) I'd think the moderators would be more active in discouraging appeals for cash aimed at this historically vulnerable age group.

    Since when does popularity or seniority make it ok to break the rules? DDS is more than capable of protecting herself, so the lynch gang can disperse.

  • Yes a valid point for a MODERATOR, not a a hijack to a thread; that is my only point. No disagreement there. Since "never" has it been ok to break rules, even for reasons of popularity or seniority, however it is moderator issue, not a forum discussion( of which I have now admittedly taken a part of). Also, unless physiology of the human body has managed to change since college, I can assure you that in my mid twenties, I am far from menopause.

  • @Chealsie508:

    Yes a valid point for a MODERATOR, not a a hijack to a thread; that is my only point. No disagreement there. Since "never" has it been ok to break rules, even for reasons of popularity or seniority, however it is moderator issue, not a forum discussion( of which I have now admittedly taken a part of). Also, unless physiology of the human body has managed to change since college, I can assure you that in my mid twenties, I am far from menopause.

    The way we see Chealsie is that you are demonstrating the exact behavior you are accusing us of. We feel you are making an attempt to moderate whats ok for us to post and what is not.

    Our intent (which only we can decide) was to learn if that post asking for donations was something the admin approved or not. We fail to see how asking if it was ok to do something like this hijacks a thread.

    Yes we needed to review the rules again just to be sure. Yes we did post in the thread what the rule was.

    It really would not have made any difference to us who made the original post that started this thread. After reading your post, we did send a private message to the administrator so hopefully things will get resolved.

  • Hence, the "admittingly taken apart of" comment I previously made…however, I can admit personal fault...

  • Well, for whoever contacts the moderators for whatever reason and whenever, please use manners and respect.

    They do a great job with this forum and it would be a shame if they ever found moderating it too much of a hassle.

  • @YodelMa:

    Considering the number of post/menopausal women on this forum (based on the bitchy nature of some of the posts!) I'd think the moderators would be more active in discouraging appeals for cash aimed at this historically vulnerable age group.

    Since when does popularity or seniority make it ok to break the rules? DDS is more than capable of protecting herself, so the lynch gang can disperse.

    First, nope did not know the rule, so I will personally ask the mods as I truly didn't remember that.

    Second, I am open-mouth at the above attack on both your insult of members here AND the indication that people of any age short who are not in supervisory-needing mental conditions are "vulnerable" or mentally incapable of making decisions.

    Third, the not disrespectful response would be to either ask a mod to look or send me the info that it was against the rules. Not a biggie, but yeah, attention seeking seems the motive for it this way. I put that aside, responded nicely and yes I have written the mod not only to clarify I didn't know and see if okay but to ask them to look at the post basically calling us mostly geriatric mentally infirm bitches.

    To the rest, they weren't lynching, they were responding how they feel. That's what all forums are about.

    And popularity? OMG, are you here much? Let me assure you if you took a freaking poll of the top (wait let me look at member numbers–- (Active Members 233) 233 members, I'd be in the lower 33. Whatever else you might accuse them of doing, it was not favoritism. :)

  • Okay, okay….. TIME OUT!

    Debra was doing something all of us feel close to - helping animals in need. Simple as that. Her intention was pure.

    Whether or not comments are posted in the correct category on the forum is something I'm sure we've all done a few times, without it becoming so heated. If anyone is uncomfortable with a thread/post, contact the administrators. They're this forum's police and are the only ones that should be policing the forum, if required. Our administrators are wonderful and will set the record straight to a single individual or thread/post.

    As adults, let's try to remember freedom of speech and respect. For this thread, you could choose to donate or not. And leave it at that. I feel bad when anyone is raked over the coals on this forum, for whatever they have done or said. We all have opinions about various things, but the majority of the time when a discussion starts to ramp up, it's better to just park our egos and remember why we are all here.

    On a lighter note, it's Mother's Day! So whether you have human kids, dog kids or both, may all of the lovely ladies on this forum have a very special day. We are off to lure course practice shortly. Kipawa has just started this year. I'm not sure how far we'll go with it, but it's a very enjoyable activity, and he certainly loves to run. Hopefully I can post some pictures later today - I'm still getting used to my camera and how to capture the image of something that zooms past me at incredible speeds. :)

  • Folks,

    If you are unsure whether a particular thread content violates forum guidelines just email and we will take it from there.

    To protect our forum members and ourselves we encourage rescue organizations and individuals to please send us a private message to before posting ANY donation solicitations, fundraiser ideas or any Basenji Forums community related commercial activity involving money collection.

    Fundraising introduces unnecessary complexity and liability for Basenji Forums Staff, so we are very strict and sensitive about this subject regardless how long a particular member has been on the forum.

    Too many people get scammed into donating for various non existing causes and money gets stolen from honest good meaning folks on the internet all the time. When that happens operators of internet resources that host the donation solicitation inadvertently become part of the legal proceedings by people who are upset about their money being stolen for facilitating the theft. We have no desire or disposable funds to participate in that.

    We provide this resource free of charge to Basenji owners community. In return we ask our members to respect our rules and guidelines.

    Thank you,

    BF Staff

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