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Behavioral Issues
  • Our boy just recently started doing the air dance of love as well, I would say its normal.

  • My girl does this too (lol)

  • Yup, normal…gggg But all breeds will do this, not just Basenjis

  • Thanks everyone! I appreciate the reassurance! And I love the "Air dance of Love" description - that will be the new description of this behavior in our home. It's just so strange and I feared it indicated some discomfort in my B, as I can't imagine that it's a pleasant thing - but hey - I stopped trying to make sense of what Bs find pleasing long ago!

  • When you are able to catch this 'dancing' behavior, try to say in a sing song/mickey mouse/happy voice somthing like "let's play with this toy" or lets go out for a walk…..something that will make your B think of something else, get him mentally challenged and engaged in a game of something like 'find the hidden treat'...well, you get the idea. Could be anything, not just boredom, but maybe you can divert this behavior. ...maybe not, it could be it just feels good-like something he can't remember not doing in a previous life but should be doing.....

  • I have occasionally seen this behaviour in males with a full bladder, typically when we have returned from lunch and the dog needs to go out for a pee. Most times I have observed the penis protruding a little bit, and then the humping occurs. Outside, the dog pees promptly and the behaviour goes away. That has been my experience with the two males I have had.

  • Oakley has done this maybe once or twice..likely out of boredom I I recall correctly. He never was once to get sexually hyper stimulated, even as a pup, if he got too woun up it became mouthiest rather than humping the air..I have friends whose dogs do this often, whenever it strikes their fancy!

  • This is a common enough habit with male Basenjis (and other dogs) that are crated for hours on end and get little exercise. Its just frustration especially when they are at the peak of their maturity.

  • @Patty:

    This is a common enough habit with male Basenjis (and other dogs) that are crated for hours on end and get little exercise. Its just frustration especially when they are at the peak of their maturity.

    He gets LOTS of exercise, and is only crated for 4 hours twice a week or when I run to the store. He's only done it a couple of times, but he seems to do for about 30 seconds just out of the blue and then he stops. Doesn't seem sexual at all as far as I can tell. Strange critters, these Basenjis!

  • I wasn't suggesting that this was the problem with your dog - just showing you that it isn't an unusual habit.

  • @Patty:

    I wasn't suggesting that this was the problem with your dog - just showing you that it isn't an unusual habit.

    Oh Patty - I didn't take offense! I understood what you were saying, I was just explaining his particular situation. No worries!

  • My neutured, male Basenji does this sometimes when he wakes from a nap and the pattern is always the same. There are two very hard acorn size lumps on either side of his penis, closer to the base but not as far back as the scrotum area. I asked the vet about them and he informed me that my dog was having an erection. I was so shocked I didn't ask anymore questions. He then proceeds into the "air dance of love" for a short time. When he stops, the lumps are gone and everything is back to normal. He never tries to mount anything, I don't think he really knows what is going on and he is obviously uncomfortable as he is trying to walk at the same time, so I usually say encouraging things like, "Work it out baby." Has anyone else noticed it happening after sleeping?

  • @barklesshound:

    My neutured, male Basenji does this sometimes when he wakes from a nap and the pattern is always the same. There are two very hard acorn size lumps on either side of his penis, closer to the base but not as far back as the scrotum area.

    Yes, that would be the description of both of my neutered males. Usually after sleeping or relaxing, and it disappears quickly. Maybe erotic dreams at work? Pretty harmless, in any case. :)

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