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Aoide is home!

Show Off Your Dog
  • Finally our baby girl is home!! And she's just perfect..! She's so polite towards us and Tillo and so brave when she has to stay in her crate in the car or at night. And also when she meets new dogs or other 'scary' things, she's fine with everyone and everything. At first, Tillo was a bit unsure about how to act around her, but he's doing much better now! I can write pages about her.. but this is "Show off your dog".. so.. here she is!

    Last weekend at the breeder, between mom (left) and 'aunt'

    So cuuute..

    First day at home with us!

    Tillo likes her crate as well

    Second day at home

    She likes her chewies ;)

    Day three, yesterday: a puppy playdate with Lizzy

    Agile baby

    Having fun

    Play bow

    Say Aaa..

    Lizzy attacks ;)

    Just cute :)

    First time on the A-frame (she was up there before I noticed.. I tried to call Tillo, looked back where she was and there she stood on the top.. too cutre!)

    Going down

    Learning from the best..

    Yay, this is fun!

    Together with Lizzy

    Meeting dogs in all sizes…

    From here I'm bigger than you

    Fans ;)

    Running around

    Do you know the way?

    Babysitter Tillo tells the girls 'no fighting'

    Back at Lizzy's home, meeting Lara

    And more playing ;)

    As you can see, she's having fun! She already met Pip and LOVED him and today we made a walk with Binkie, a dog from agility, and that was also fun, fun, fun! No pictures of today though.. but tomorrow she has her first professional photo shoot, so I'll definitely post those pics when I get them!!

  • They all look so professional to me, you capture moments perfectly… You are so skilled. She is very gorgeous... It'll be a thrill to get to watch her grow and see all the pictures you post. Congratulations!

  • OH wow.. congratulations!! She is beautiful.. and as always AMAZING pictures!!!!

  • Well, you already know what I think of her! She is truly a spectacular addition to your family, and I too will look forward to seeing all the pictures of her, and her and Tillo! From what I can see so far, he has been an amazing boy with her - that is testament to how you have brought him up.

  • You have just given me a major and possibly fatal case of puppy fever.<sigh>
    cuteness overload. i just LOVE puppy toes.</sigh>

  • She is just perfect :)

  • looks like she has fit right in to your family

  • Looks like Tillo loves his baby sister! Great photos.

  • What a lovely puppy!!! Congrats, it was fun to watch her grow on facebook!

  • she's soo cute! Congratulations!

  • She is so adorable - little wrinkly face. The picture where Tillo and she both have their heads down looks like their wrinkles are nearly identical in formation. I'm sure Tillo will be a great big brother to her.

  • Thank you all for the congrats and other nice comments! We love her to pieces! She's such a special baby :)

  • I am new to the forum with a baby girl too. My first basenji since I was a child. My Dexi looks just like your Aoide, it's like they could be sisters. Your pictures are absolutely perfect, they look professional.

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