Smiles From San Francisco!
Hi and welcome!!!! I remember when you got Ramses and Nubia!!! and when LeeLoo was born. We met a couple of times way back then! Sorry to hear of their passing, but that is great that you have LeeLoo. Always wondered what happened to Alex…. He seemed to bounce around alot.
Again Welcome!
Leeloo is gorgeous, so glad to see you are happy again.
So glad you have your Leeloo back to keep you company.
Oh, she is B-eautiful! That face! :)
Welcome, and what a lovely introduction! How wonderful that so many members of the same Basenji family got to share their lives with you – and vice versa. I feel like I might have seen some of your pictures elsewhere before -- instagram, perhaps? The user name jumped out at me because I'm also in the Bay Area.
Please accept my condolences on the passing of Nubia and Ramses. But what a beautiful story about how Leeloo has come into your life. To me, Leeloo coming into your life is not a coincidence. Often there are plans for us that we never understand fully why, but they happen. May you have many many years of joy with your Leeloo. The pictures are wonderful!
We met ... a long time ago... I vaguely remember
yes.... both of them dying was the hardest thing to endure.Alex ...kept in touch me... and when Ramses died...
his heart was moved...
enough to invite me up to Seattle to see LEELOO
and generously offered to give her back to me...I love her and she is now very attached to me ...
she gets upset and whines and cries ....when I leave on an Errand or go visit a friend ..She is very set in her ways ... !!!!!
Dogs ...male dogs .. she does not tolerate ...
although she has a few that she likes .. but they admire her from a far .. behind a chain link fence..
she is not very SOCIAL ... and wants to walk away from those she deems .. smelly ...unfit or beneath her
... she rarely walks with them or in the same direction ...Ramses....
was very ARISTOCRATIC in his manners ....and never liked to socialize......with what he deemed
"The lower classes"!!Funny how Basenji's separate themselves
from the rest of other dogs... -
Thank you all
for a warm welcome to BASENJI FORUMS! -
Thank you!
for your generous and warm greetings and heartfelt words of condolence.LEELOO has settled into her new family quiet well and has made her self at home…
she had to learn SPANISH ... a bit on the fly ...
having been brought up in GERMAN speaking household ..
the transition was... a bit hit or miss ...
we can now say .....
she understands some SPANISH....
just chooses to not
participate in ...
Political or Religious discussions ... she raises an eyebrow .. and moves
only when words like VAMONOS (Lets Go!)
and Comida (Dinner Time) is announced....She is very much the GRAND DAME ....being 12 years old ....
She doesn't suffer fools lightly.
her love of life and good living ....
has given her a bit of a curvaceous figure ...HALLE BERRY she is not !
no .... that was a time when she was a SUPERMODEL....
Winning ribbons and awards and acclaim .....!That was then .. this is now...
She has her places of sun worship strategically throughout the house ...!
and realizes that she should lose a few pounds
however....she is much to comfortable .. to be bothered ....unless it s a good long walk to the park...
hmmm....ohhh lets.... do that a few min later ...