My what an exciting day! I took the day off and we headed out at 10 am to the vet to get Chipley's (alias 'Fat Boy') thyroid tested and see if there is a solution for Nicky's new limp (left rear leg).
On I-4 (my favorite road, not) a van in front of us lost 2 aluminum ladders off the roof, right in front of us. Thank goodness they hit the road and didn't come flying into the cabin, Don managed to run over them both with no damage to the car, as there was nowhere to go, and of course we were in the Prius. Whew. A heart-stopping moment when I saw those 2 big ladders falling off that roof! Could have been a 'life altering' event if we had been closer to the van and they had come through the windshield.
Nicky got her teeth cleaned (ultrasonic, no anesthesia) , and he feels the limp is her anterior cruciate, just 'pulled', not torn, he didn't get a lot of flinching along her back today. So continue moderate exercise and medicate with rimadyl or metacam (got a bottle) as needed. She was barely 26 lbs, so a good weight for her. We weighed Ed and he is 29, down from 32, yea! His ribs are clearly visible so this is a good weight for him. Then we weighed Chip?.35 lbs! OMG, most of it since October, and eating the exact same for and volume as Eddie!
Drew Chip's blood and sent off for full thyroid panel, but considering his rapid weight gain, Lee wanted to do the quick TT4 there in the office. It was 'low normal' but with his symptoms, he recommended .2 mg of the thyroid med twice a day so we will start this evening. I am hopeful that will fix it, but he may really have a very slow metabolism, his heart rate was slow and steady, healthy like an athlete, but it was just 'lub-dubbing' away at about a fourth what a normally stressed dog at the vet runs. Made the vet laugh, so Chipley may have to only eat air and 3 kibbles a day to get his figure back! If this doesn't work I'll be shopping for a larger harness for the boy.
$144, not bad, including 3 bags of the light biscuits I give them occasionally.
It was a lovely day so we stopped at Lettuce Lake Park and walked for a couple of hours, then stopped for BBQ late lunch (yes, all basenjis got many bites of pulled pork) on the way home, YUM!
Got home at 3:30 and everyone is napping, me too very soon. It was a super day to be out and about, pretty good news for all dogs (Ed got off free this time!), great lunch, all in all an unusually nice 'trip to the vet'.