Curious about my 5 mo. old pup!

  • Hope you guys don't get tired of looking at pics of possible Basenji mixes! This is Rio and I have tried to narrow his breed type to Basenji - Toy Fox/Rat Terrier - Chi - and Shephard. I keep seeing more Basenji than anything else but tell me otherwise! Thanks for your input!!!


  • Very cute, don't really see much Basenji, but all are welcome. Many breeds have tails that curl up over the back

  • Thanks Pat for your input! It could just be that I LIKE Basenji's and that is what I'm seeing

  • Maybe if you want him to be part Basenji he will be!! He looks really mischievous.

  • Very nice look pup.

  • All I know is that BRAT posted some mixes recently with a mother who was a confirmed Basenji, and none of those pups looked like they had Basenji in them. I guess, in my most limited knowledge, I would look for Basenji behavior traits as well as physical appearance. Whatever he is, Rio is a beauty!

  • Bewler, do you have issues with BRAT?

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Bewler, do you have issues with BRAT?

    Oh my God, NOOO! I love BRAT!! Without BRAT I wouldn't have my beautiful B. No, what I was referring to were the "Spice" dogs that were posted in the" rescue mixes" section of the BRAT website a while back. I think there were four - all named after spices. They all had a Basenji mom (if I remember correctly, the person who was listing them knew the mom), but maybe different dads, and they all looked SO different from one another and none of them looked predominately like a Basenji. In fact, a couple didn't look anything like a Basenji. My point in bringing this up is to posit that perhaps a dog can have Basenji in them and not really resemble one.
    Thanks for asking the question - I would hate it if anyone thought I was besmirching BRAT. I have had nothing but wonderful experiences with them and respect the work they do enormously. In fact, BRAT is my charity of choice when I send holiday donations. So again, thanks for letting me clarify that!

  • Bewler, I love BRAT to. They do post "mixes" and I think they are beautiful! Your correct that sometimes its hard to tell what the blend is.
    Aren't we lucky to have these wonderful "critters" to share out lives with??

  • @sharronhurlbut:

    Bewler, I love BRAT to. They do post "mixes" and I think they are beautiful! Your correct that sometimes its hard to tell what the blend is.
    Aren't we lucky to have these wonderful "critters" to share out lives with??

    Yes - I love the mixes as well, since in addition to my BRAT Basenji, I also have a Basenji mix. In fact, he was my introduction to the breed and now I can't imagine my life with anything but a Basenji!!!

  • I do so agree with you. I can't imagine my life without basenjis, we have 2 p/b and my African import, Wheat, who is just a village dog. BUT she is OUR village dog! laugh

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