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New Puppy, Bad Timing

Basenji Talk
  • The only mistake made is Mary Beth Weiss is a bad breeder that gives wonderful breeders bad names. A good breeder breeds for the love of the breed and not the love of an easy buck. I am glad you still want to get a Basenji, what a wonderful breed! I am sure that you will find a good breeder on this forum that is near you. This is a good time of the year to find breeders with puppies but puppies are usually spoken for in a way due to the fact this breed only has one breeding season, for the most part. I understand your desire for a puppy and not an older dog…I have adopted older dogs from the "pound" and that is a good thing to do but sometimes you just want a puppy. Look into BRAT, a good Basenji rescue group and sometimes good breeders (who usually show dogs as well) have older dogs they would like to place in their "forever home" don't give up!

  • I think you did the right thing… But I bet it really hurts so I commend you on doing the right thing, most people would have said they were too invested to back out. You clearly want the best puppy for your family in both health and behavior. I second pats suggestion of looking into one of Terry's pups. Keep us posted!

  • I contacted Terry as well as all the other breeders listed in TX on BCOA! And, like I said previously, we don't necessarily have to have a puppy. We are on BRAT's list and receive updates about new dogs available, but many of them say they want to place them in homes with older or no children. I have yet to break the news to our two younger boys. Our daughter is informed and pretty upset, but what can you do?!

  • @jjuds:

    I contacted Terry as well as all the other breeders listed in TX on BCOA! And, like I said previously, we don't necessarily have to have a puppy. We are on BRAT's list and receive updates about new dogs available, but many of them say they want to place them in homes with older or no children. I have yet to break the news to our two younger boys. Our daughter is informed and pretty upset, but what can you do?!

    Here is another person you can try, she is off to shows right now but I know for a fact that she has a few young dogs (no puppies) that she would like to place and she is also a responsible breeder. Brenda Cassel and the link to her website is She is in Ft Worth. She should be home on Tuesday or Wednesday

    I am sure that you will find the "perfect" Basenji for you and your family! It will be a match made in heaven!

  • Oh that is going to be hard to tell the boys. You sound very intelligent and informed with this situation, I'm sorry it had to take such a negative turn but it will all work out in the end! Good luck and please keep us posted on you and your family's quest for a B. It is unfortunate that Mary Beth will get $100 free in all this, hope she get's a paper cut counting it!

  • LOL Walter…. I agree.... big paper cut...

  • You unfortunately can't do a lot except not fund a BYB. It is nice to see you are open minded about the situation though and want to do what is best for you. You don't want to take on a dog who may have health issues down the road. You will set yourself up for great heartbreak. I guess i can believe that she didn't want to keep the pup for another two weeks because it would eat into her profit, having to provide the little guy with more food and 'the hassle'. Your breeder is your best resource for information. If you can't talk to them or they don't want to take the time to help you out, you don't want to deal with that breeder. LOL that and she blatantly lied to you. It's ok it happens to the best of us. A good learning experience and you will definately know for next time! Take Care JJUDS.

  • @tanza:

    Here is another person you can try, she is off to shows right now but I know for a fact that she has a few young dogs (no puppies) that she would like to place and she is also a responsible breeder. Brenda Cassel and the link to her website is She is in Ft Worth. She should be home on Tuesday or Wednesday

    I am sure that you will find the "perfect" Basenji for you and your family! It will be a match made in heaven!

    I contacted Signet Kennels and browsed their site, my husband is in love with the idea of an already-trained older dog. I'm in no rush, in the meantime, I will be gawking at everyone else's pictures! Thank you all so much for your help, I am truly grateful!


    What about this little guy. Says he looooves kids.

  • @jjuds:

    I contacted Signet Kennels and browsed their site, my husband is in love with the idea of an already-trained older dog. I'm in no rush, in the meantime, I will be gawking at everyone else's pictures! Thank you all so much for your help, I am truly grateful!

    Like I said, Brenda is off to shows in Portland, Or, but should be home Tuesday or Wednesday. I can highly recommend any of her Basenjis!

  • @krunzer:

    What about this little guy. Says he looooves kids.

    I hadn't seen Toby. He is a good-looking dog, I will have to look into him. The other two dogs posted for TX are as well, I've contacted BRAT about one of them, fingers crossed! I am fearful that they won't want to place a dog with our children. We have three children, a daughter that would fit the "respectful" criteria, but I also have two rambunctious boys that stay home with me!

  • Being that he is a puppy this might work out because he would grow up with them. I would see what they say about him and you guys. Looks like he does like kids so it may not be a big issue? Good luck.

  • @jjuds:

    I hadn't seen Toby. He is a good-looking dog, I will have to look into him. The other two dogs posted for TX are as well, I've contacted BRAT about one of them, fingers crossed! I am fearful that they won't want to place a dog with our children. We have three children, a daughter that would fit the "respectful" criteria, but I also have two rambunctious boys that stay home with me!

    I think that you will get a much difference response from Brenda and the young adults she has to place.

  • Just to further bring this lady to your attention, the dogs I help take off her (for BRAT) hands last spring…because she wanted to start out with fresh breedings stock I guess (although she said to us that the puppies she was keepin would be fixed and kept as pets, LIAR) of them had to be put down for agression issues (he ended up biting his foster family so badly ER visits were needed, the other one was so afraid of humans it never got out of its crate when I went to visit...This poor example of a human is BAD news, NOT a nice person at all, especially promising not to have any more pups to BRAT so she could get rid of her "first breeding stock"...Shame on her and every one that enables people like her...They lived in crates in her kitchen, have you you've been there?
    )You should rethink your choice of breeders, there are definitely way better options available, one even not far from Houston in Montgomery, Terry and Bob Reed..Do the responsible thing, walk away and let's not help her make it possible to keep breeding these puppies by not supporting it and putting money in her pocket.

    ..oopps looks like you already are on top of it, sorry, I just saw Mary's name and went off, please forgive me for jumping the gun.

    Sorry, I will get off my soapbox now..I just feel very passionately about this since I helped get two of her dogs out of her hands not many months ago.

    I wish you best of luck..

  • Basenjis make great running partners and I have several friends that bike with theirs. An adult is ready to exercise with you and might fit your lifestyle better. There will be a lot if breeders coming to the ft worth dog show in March, so you might be able to get one from out of the area delivered then. Many of us transport dogs for breeder friends too. I cashed in frequent flyer miles and picked up my 4 month old boy in NJ. Basenjis fit under the seat in cabin and Delta only charged me $50 to bring him home.

  • @Basenjimamma, what a heartbreaking conclusion to what should have been a 'rescue'… =( I am so sad to hear it, but I thank you for sharing. It does fill in some gaps.

    JJuds, I think you're doing the right thing by walking away, and I commend you for your integrity. It is better to disappoint the kids now than to have to break their hearts later when they've bonded with the pup and something more serious happens, resulting in a need for more drastic measures than just saying 'no.'

  • Let us know when you find another basenji that will be suitable to your situation. We all want you to be happy.

  • Thank you Curlytails. We were very sad to pass up the puppy. It was our second disappointment in the process. Before we went on Christmas vacation, we were talking to an owner that wanted to find a new home for his basenji because he worked a lot and didn't have the time. Eventually he told me he couldn't part with his beloved, and I couldn't blame him. We have an inquiry on a dog through BRAT and are waiting to work out details with a home visit and whatever comes after that. I'm afraid our kids' ages may be an issue but we understand that they are only looking for the best home for the dogs and it may not be outs. We also contacted Signet Kennels and she has some older dogs that my hubby is really interested in, we are waiting to hear from her too. In the meantime, I am admiring everyone's pictures and laughing at some stories. Everything happens for a reason and our new love will come at the right time. :)

  • I am admiring your character from across the ocean, and am feeling very confident you will find a Basenji to fit in your life. Even from your posts you seem adaptable, compassionate and patient, all very valuable skills in a Basenji parent. I think you will be well suited for the royal of B parent! Keep looking, I'm totally sure the forum and your contacts will get you the B your family is hoping for.

  • @Basenjimamma:

    ..oopps looks like you already are on top of it, sorry, I just saw Mary's name and went off, please forgive me for jumping the gun.

    Sorry, I will get off my soapbox now..I just feel very passionately about this since I helped get two of her dogs out of her hands not many months ago.

    I wish you best of luck..

    Thank you. I couldn't believe what I was reading when I saw the thread from last year. We knew we couldnt go through with it after all of that i am saddened that she is doing this again agter all that she currently has four adult dogs one is a basenji mix plus the puppies i winder if reporting ber agin to her HOA would do anything maybe a hefty fine will get her to stop? Anyway, I didnt have her phone number anymore so I told her through email that we wouldn't be buying the puppy after all and I have yet to hear from her. I'd really like to let her know WHY we backed out.

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