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Men in Black

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  • Congrats to all!

  • Congratulations!

    I have a question: I've never heard of the term "uterine horn" and had to Google it. So now I know what it is (sort of), but I am still clueless as to what significance it has in a birth and why it's important that each had their own. Please explain!

  • Magnificent boys! I am in love with Agent J.

  • @LindaH:


    I have a question: I've never heard of the term "uterine horn" and had to Google it. So now I know what it is (sort of), but I am still clueless as to what significance it has in a birth and why it's important that each had their own. Please explain!

    I'm sure someone who breeds will jump in on this, but basically if there are too many embryos in one horn you can get overcrowding, which might result in weak or non viable puppies. I believe the embryos implant about 17 days after fertilization and if you are fortunate they will divide evenly between the horns with lots of room for everyone…...

  • Because they each had their own horn they had lots of room to stretch out and each pup ended up as big as our singleton was 2 years ago. If they had both been in the same horn they would have less room and may not have been quite as large. In addition to crowding effecting size, if the number of puppies in each horn is very different it can cause uterine torsion during labor and threaten mom and pups.

  • Gotcha! Thanks for the explanations!

  • Hello Lisa! My name is Walter and just wanted to say that the boys look wonderful. I am friends with Therese and Kevin, we have a girl we got from them last year (Karma-Sober breeding). We have decide to add a boy to our family this year…possibly from their current litter (Clover-Ace breeding) or possibly one of these two boys. If we do get one of these lovely boys we would be honored!

  • Some video of the boys sleeping. The are 9 days old.

  • That is a 10 on the cuteness scale!

  • LOL! The one little B on the right is Turtled! He can't flip over!

  • They are adorable… But they don't look little to me, lmao. They look like two very well looked after pups... Mom must be proud, and glad there's only two!

  • They are certainly getting more than enough milk! Sophie got milk every time she was in season… so now that it is for real, most likely twice that amount.... I am sure with just two of them they will be "rolly polly" baby pups....

  • They weighed in at 1 pound 12 ounces yesterday at 9 days old. That is 3 times their birth weight. Sophie has plenty of milk for the boys and unlike her mom who liked to take "me" time away from the pups by this point, she prefers to spend the majority of her time with her boys and takes only short breaks from them. She actually prefers for us to hang out with her in her "den" so she can show them off, get loved up, and fuss over them all at once.

  • @lvoss:

    They weighed in at 1 pound 12 ounces yesterday at 9 days old. That is 3 times their birth weight. Sophie has plenty of milk for the boys and unlike her mom who liked to take "me" time away from the pups by this point, she prefers to spend the majority of her time with her boys and takes only short breaks from them. She actually prefers for us to hang out with her in her "den" so she can show them off, get loved up, and fuss over them all at once.

    What a great MOM!

  • @lvoss:

    They weighed in at 1 pound 12 ounces yesterday at 9 days old. That is 3 times their birth weight. Sophie has plenty of milk for the boys and unlike her mom who liked to take "me" time away from the pups by this point, she prefers to spend the majority of her time with her boys and takes only short breaks from them. She actually prefers for us to hang out with her in her "den" so she can show them off, get loved up, and fuss over them all at once.


    Thank you for sharing them with us.

  • Congratulations! Enjoy the smell of basenji pups… they are lovely <3

  • I'm with Sophie, I too would prefer to be the the one sitting in her den fussing over them… If only we weren't on opposite sides of the country!
    ...if I was rich id spend all my time with puppies and moms.... "doggie au pair"

  • Just out of curiosity… What would a typical (larger litter) basenji pup weigh at the same age?

  • They say that puppies should just about double their weight in the first week. The boys were at 2.5 x their birth weight at a week old.

  • I love puppies the way I love babies, roly poly beans…. I wonder if having a smaller litter makes it harder on mom to transition when they leave? Sorry I'm full of questions but I find singleton litters and in your case two to be fascinating...

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