Martha "Peggy" Wurtz 10/23/18-12/10/11
Heartfelt condolences to you on the loss of your Grandma, who clearly passed the love of this breed on to you. Good wishes for Melody and the family.
I am sorry for your loss. Sounds like she had a life full of love and basenjis. Everyone should be so lucky. I am sure her passing was eased knowing her beloved Melody is cared for.
You have my condolences. Did your Gramma have a kennel name?
I believe the kennel name was Nonpariel. One of her girls, Bubbles, was found in the registry. My cousin is going to save any other records of Gramma's dogs for me if she finds them.
The dogs I remember are:
Asta (Star)
Hocus.I don't think any of her girls were bred more than twice in their lives. I could be wrong on that and hopefully, we can find the records to send to Sue. If she's still compiling them.
Thank you all for your kind thoughts.
Your Granma gave you a wonderful gift: Basenjis! And you gave her the gift of a peaceful passing, knowing her Melody will be safe until it's time to meet her at the bridge.
While I miss my own Granma and my Dad, it's so much easier to know they're in Heaven to keep an eye on my beloved Sam & Pushti until it's my time to join them. My Granma didn't like animals, but she loved mine because she knew it was important to me.
I'm so sorry to hear about your Grandma. She sounds like a wonderful person. I'm sure nothing would make her happier than knowing her sweet little Melody is in loving hands.
For anyone who is in the area and is interested, Gramma's service will be at the Brooks Assembly of God, 9165 Portland Road NE, Salem, OR at 2:00pm tomorrow, Dec 10. Take exit 263 and go east about a mile to Portland Road and turn left. Go about 1/4 mile. AJ will not be there, but I will be. I'm the 40's year old woman with dark hair that falls past my belt. It would be an honor to me to have other Basenji people there.