Gift Exchange: Winter Holidays 2011

  • I just had hubby check his email and my buddy hasn't been assigned yet. Maybe I should send you a present Kipawa.

  • But December 1 has already passed? 2 more days will be December 7. Is that when we will get the names?

  • I didn't have a basenji buddy either…

    I do have to ship overseas...

  • Has anyone got there buddy yet? Was just wondering.

  • Maybe we should be asking if Alex is okay - or just overwhelmed by the response to participate.

  • @wizard:

    Maybe we should be asking if Alex is okay - or just overwhelmed by the response to participate.

    Very nice thought, Wizard.

  • First Basenji's

    Alex, hope all is well.

    Our household has, frankly, gained a reputation as being the couple that "Keeps Christmas going into the new year." So in my mind, there is still plenty for the gift exchange to happen. 😉

  • Hey Folks,

    Sorry about the delay, it's been a busy last 7 days due to some unexpected events, but everything is well now. Basenji buddies have been assigned and emails sent out. Looking forward to all the gift unwrapping photos and stories.

  • I've got my Basenji buddy!!

    Christmas shopping this weekend!!! can't wait!!!

  • Shopping here too, probably today! This is going to be fun!

  • Whoohoo. Got my B buddy. Time to go shopping!!

  • First Basenji's

    Did a little shopping today. Came home and the dogs were very confused why I was not distributing the goods from the big bag of goodies! I'm participating in a Shiba gift exchange too, so there was a bit of stuff in there. 🙂 Anyway, I had to take the bag out to the car because Bowdu was stalking the bag, even when I tried to put it out of view in the closet.

  • Mine is packaged and ready to be shipped (I had the day off yesterday)!

  • Mine is off in the mail today. My B buddy should see it in about 6-8 days. Do we tell our B buddy that we got them? Or is it secret?

  • It should be a surprise and everyone should post photos into this thread once their basenjis open the packages.

  • Kipawa says, "Santa has a delivery on the way for my basenji Christmas buddy, so watch out for his reindeer and sleigh"!

  • Did Kipawa open his present yet??????

  • No, Kipawa has not opened a present yet. But he believes he is on the Basenji Santa's list because he has been a good boy this year, learning many skills and pleasing his humans very much. He's also been told by his humans that the best part of Christmas is in giving - be it by finding a present, a prayer or a kind word for someone. And sometimes just a basenji smile can be the best present of all.

  • Doh…
    I was all excited to do my gift exchange shopping, and then I was standing in (a very long) post office line to mail it when it occurred to me that, I DIDN'T WRAP IT!! (Joanne you moron). Sooo... if your Basenji gets a package from me, um, it's not wrapped. Sorry. But I did send a card :o

  • I didn't get a chance to wrap mine either. We went shopping and then straight to the post office because then I would have had to go home and probably not get it out until next week. So we just kinda jammed it in a box, taped it up and sent it on its way. So yeah sorry from me too. (I didn't even get a card :() I am in t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

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