• I see that the BCOA website has the 2011 Annual meeting power point presentation up for perusal.

    I wanted to highlight one positive part of the meeting - the Unsung Hero award. Not a show brag exactly but a brag nonetheless for the person involved.

    What is the UNSUNG Hero award:

    The Unsung Hero Award recognizes that BCOA member who has made a positive contribution that would not ordinarily be acknowledged by other types of formal awards. The nominee must exhibit one (or more) of the following:

    • Displaying extraordinary effort to advance the purpose of the BCOA.
    • Unselfishly sharing his/her time and expense to promote events, activities, and materials in support of the BCOA.
    • Consistently and willingly extending a helping hand.

    The BCOA 2011 UNSUNG Hero award went to: Kim Noyes

    Her plaque was engraved with the following:

    "In appreciation for your generous gift of time, energy and dedication to the breed and BCOA as Interim Bulletin Editor."

    So who is Kim Noyes? I admit prior to 2011, I had no idea! I imagine many people are/were like me so I thought it would be nice to share with you, with permission, her nomination:

    "This nomination for the unsung hero award is for Kim Noyes, interim editor of The Bulletin, The Official Publication of The Basenji Club of America. Kim stepped into a huge job when the BCOA was in a pickle, and she has demonstrated extraordinary effort and commitment. Despite having to recreate many time consuming templates and tables, she served the membership well and her first issue was produced on time. Kim sticks to deadlines, is very professional with advertisers, and she welcomes the input of her copy editors as well as the Editorial Review Committee in the belief many different eyes makes for a better quality publication. She strives to make continued improvements to The Bulletin, but is also very conscientious when it comes to her budget.

    Her latest issue (2Q) is a collectors item; it is simply gorgeous. Mike Work's photos and story certainly contribute to this but it may not be known that Kim drove several hours each way over two trips to help complete this interview. In addition, the layout and quality of the magazine is top notch. Taken together, Kim is an amazing asset for the BCOA. The unsung hero award will give her the recognition she deserves for a job exceedingly well done, along with our heartfelt appreciation and gratitude."

    Congratulations Kim! A very deserving BCOA member.

  • Yay Kim! In addition to being an unsung hero, she is also a regular here 🙂 I am so glad that her effort has been recognized!

  • Kim is probably blushing somewhere! Not that I know what she looks like; we’ve never met in person. I do think this is a very deserved award. It has been a pleasure working with her. She is constantly upbeat, and very, very easy to work with in all aspects from images to text. Congratulations Kim, on well deserved recognition!

    Guess I’ll have to start work on Fanconi part 2 article 🙂 This is going to be fun!

    Katy Scott

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