Just wanted to suggest.. John Bradshaw's In Defence of Dogs,
Very interesting, lots of info on history of dogs and evolution of dog behavior, discredits old "dominance" theories….... Very interesting!!!!
Great article thanks!!! Will look into other books by Bradshaw. I have since finished it and thought it was great. There's some basenji info in there'd too. I pretty much agree with everything he says… And I though it was very entertaining!!
If the dogs are having similar symptoms as in the previous years, they need to be treated ASAP! It is my understanding that many are developing the acquired Fanconi Syndrome and need to be put on the protocol. Many vets though do not have the equipment to do the venous blood gas test and get an accurate diagnosis. Emergency vets should have the equipment.
Do not buy any dog treats that come from China and if the package does not state where it is from then do not buy it!
Well, the lab I mentioned (chocolate overweight one) almost took me out by slamming into my knee. I commented loudly " he better not insure my knee!" No comment from the owner. Others were keeping an eye on this over exhuberant dog too. Many peeps were standing behind a bench for protection.
What really bugs me is that the park has very visible signs when you enter it that say you must have control of your dog.