Anyone's B able to Open a door?

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  • We have a number of pull down door knobs in our home (they are easier for Darrel to use). So far, Kipawa has not been interested in them at all. We keep the doors to our bedrooms closed (though Kipawa sleeps with us on the bed at night). One of our bedrooms is our bird aviary. Even with the birds in their cages in there, Kipawa gazes through the french doors every now and then, but is quite uninterested in the birds. Now our cats - that is another matter. He licks them. I don't think they really appreciate it though. 🙂

  • Spencer stands on his hind legs and unhooks the screen door with a flip of his nose, then drops to all fours and nudges the door open with that same useful nose, and out he trots. Other dogs need doggie doors. "Amateurs," Basenjis say!

  • Yup - my brindle girl Liyah can open doors. She puts her paws on both sides of a door knob, turns it and voila - out she goes. If it is a door that needs to open in, she knows to pull it with both paws - while turning it.

    She knows how to flip up the latch on the dog pen - one of those latches that needs to land just perfectly up to stay open, well, she knows how to do it. Now the dog pen latch is clipped closed when she is in it.

    Before I got a Kennel-Aire crate for her, she could open the latches on normal wire crates and let herself out. Before the Kennel-Aire, she had a carabiner on her door. When she used to be crated in the same room as Brando and Ruby, when she let herself out of the crate, she would go and let out her playmates…


  • Mine can all open doors but never a one can close them!!!

  • My girl Chakka used to take her nose and push a heavy patio door so it slammed open so she could go out. She could figure out Kitchen cabinets with weird handles and open them. She used to take all the post and pans out. I swear she watched us open car windows and tried to open them further so she could stick her head out. She never mastered door knobs but we would come home and they has slobber all over them! lol

  • Kell can open all cabinets, so they are all locked with old collars around the knobs to keep him out of the pantry. Once he pulled out a 10 lb bag of potatoes and left a trail of potatoes from the kitchen, in to the dining area and thru the living room. When we only have the screen door in use in the living room, he can open with his nose. He will stand there, inside the house, with his head out checking out the back yard for cats & squirrels. I tell him he is letting out the cold air and letting the bugs in, doesn't bother him. Now Sidhe can do doors. I keep a tennis ball hanging outside on the screen door. She will pull on the tennis ball and pull open the screen door, let the others in if they move fast enough to beat her in. If they don't Rogue and Kell cannot seem to understand pulling on the ball will open the door. Kell will start banging on the screen door and it gets loud and very insistant. Rogue will just cry if she is left out. My boy Cory, now at the bridge, would also use the tennis ball to open the door. When he was 6 months old, he figured out food came from the fridge. I kept one of those decorative towels on the fridge door (no long do this!) and he quietly pulled open the door, took out a metal bowl of tuna fish covered with saran wrap, stripped off the wrap, and dug in, his sister Timi was invited in, we got up when it got too quiet (everyone with a B knows how suspicious quiet is). Found the quilty two just as they were both going back in for more goodies. And somehow yesterday evening Kell got down the treat jar from the kitchen table, it was upright on the floor and we never heard it come off the table, I think he levatated it! Love these dogs.

  • Both of mine have figured out the child saftey locks to my kitchen cabinets they don't bother the pots and pans but love tearing open cans of string beans and ravoli along with bags of sugar. Both can open the standard kennel latch on wire kennels, open the bi-fold doors on the closets and recently figured out how to unlatch baby gate (the kind you screw into the wall). The funniest thing is the trash can. We bought a round metal trash can w/foot petal. Well that was no challenge, so then we screwed a 5 lb weight to the lid thinking to make it too heavy for them to use the foot petal. My two figured out if the BOTH stood on the foot petal it would open, so then we disengaged the foot petal. Nope they figured out how to BOTH use there noses at the same time to open the lid (w/the weight), so then we bolted the trash can a foot off the ground. We think they just got bored with the game and stopped trying. 🙂

  • That is unbelievable!!! Guess I won't bother installing the safety locks…

  • Houston

    Our boy can open drawers levers and all sorts of stuff, damn boys… All the bad habits come from the boys warped lil mind...our girl is so good...what a little trouble maker he is

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