Basenji sleddogs
What?! This is crazy!
Do you have the original link for where this appeared?Found it somewhere on Sled Dog Central Forums, but can't find the topic back.
Been looking a bit further and also found it here, but no more info about it.'s gotta be a breeder from Finland or Sweden right ? Were the breed has presence in such weather ??…
A lot of country's where you can have such weather. Looking at his cloths, guess it is a pic from 50-60 years ago.
I saw that years ago, tried to find out who they were, but the one I had was the color one. If you find out, let me know! There is another one with just 4 basenji but it was on my old computer and I didn't transfer it (accidentally).
FYI the image shack photo says:
qui a eu cette id?e stupide de changer des basenjis en chiens polaires…je trouve que cela manque de respect et de connaissance de la race
French - detected to English translation
who had this stupid idea to change huskies for Basenjis ... I find this lack of respect and knowledge of the breed -
I think this is awesome…regardless of what the french guy said (wrote.)..;)
I love this picture and all the possibilities that it represents for our breed. It circulates on chat lists from time to time.
If my memory is any good, the owner / musher is Annie Davis, kennel name : "Here Comes Basenjis." Am/Can Ch.Marabasi's Belle of the Ball is the lead dog.
Annie lives in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Last December (2010), her mobile home burned to the ground. At that time she was not doing well physically and still had four Basenjis. That is the last news I can remember. -
I joined after lurking for awhile just to give you guys this link!
Oh wow! I am so happy to learn it is a real, not doctored picture but sad about the owner. :(
Yes, I glad to hear this is a true confimation of how diverse our breed truly is. :)
Great info! Found a few others who do some mushing with Basenji's also. One who uses a cart and 2 who do ski-joring.
I'm moving to Lapland (Swedish part) next month, so will check it out myself then. Going to work with sleddogs, so will try to let Voodoo run in a team and do some ski-joring with him. Think he gonna like that! :D -
Was looking for the picture and came upon this sad news about Annie Davis:
That's very sad news indeed. Basenjis and cold just do not mix.
You know, I'm surprised that I didn't get in on this thread from the very start, I know that picture very well, I may well be one of the people responsible for it being "out there". It's funny, the blog mentions that the picture is from the '70's… nope sorry, 1993 I'd say. The little tri female running in right wheel position (with her head down) was from my first (and only) Basenji litter. She was born June 22,1992. The names of all the dogs are written on the back of the picture but I don't know where it is. I've got 3 views of that Basenji sled team but the one you usually see is the best.
Sad news about Annie though, she was quite the person. First time I saw her was at the Canadian National in '91, she was gaiting (storming) around the ring and I remember thinking, "this woman is serious, don't get in her way". She used to do competitive weight pulling with her Basenjis too.