Same Sex and Basenji to Basenji aggression.

  • Time for me to be on the soapbox!

    It's funny. I have had so many breeders and owners tell me they don't want their females to meet mine. In Germany, we had many meetings and some females were fine with others. Some males were fine with other males as well

    My female was raised with another female dog…and socialized with many females intact and spayed.

    I find it funny how people expect their females to from adolescence to death will always fight and try to kill other females.

    I will not press this enough...if you socialize your Basenji to everything you can possibly socialize them to...they will be a well behaved, well mannered Basenji who will be friendly with MOST other dogs/people etc.

    Granted, there will always be a dog that your Basenji won't like. But it's like don't like EVERYONE do you?

    I rest my case...

  • I have to say I agree with you, I have 3 females Sukeena (4) raised from a pup, and two rescues adopted at 10 and 12 years of age and they are all fine with most dogs and get along very well with their beagle sisters and each other.

  • @annandael:

    I have had so many breeders and owners tell me they don't want their females to meet mine.

    I will not press this enough…if you socialize your Basenji to everything you can possibly socialize them to...they will be a well behaved, well mannered Basenji who will be friendly with MOST other dogs/people etc.

    I do agree with you 100% about socialization… but it truly depends on the situation and the dogs. Some people may know that their dogs are not socialized and therefore know that it would not be a good idea for the girls (or boys) to meet. I also think it has to do with where you are. I know, when I'm at a dog show there is added stress and my dogs can be bit more "jumpy". I'm also VERY protective at events. All it could take is one bad meeting to ruin the whole day and make the dog very difficult to show or not perform well.

    I have had all kinds of basenjis. I have had those that are little more dog aggresive than I would like, but love every person they meet. I have had some that take the word "aloof" too seriously. And I have had some that love everyone and everything they meet. I, of course, prefer the later. Unfortunately, they are not all like that. 🆒

  • whilest i agree with quite a bit of what you have stated i think we must all not forget the basenji is a pack animal in the first instance.
    i have a number of entire dogs & bitches who all run as a pack a few squabbels now and again not that oftern however if im walking one of mine he /she will be ok but with more than one being walked the 'pack' mentality sets in and though thay may not attack the other dog (dog/bitch) they will stand over it growl etc to show pack seniority

  • Hollie LOVES all other dogs. All she wants to do is play play play. When she does meet a dog that is not social or simply doesn't want to play she backs off and finds someone else to play with.

  • I agree with Catherine, socialization is a must, but it depends on the personality of the individual dog.
    When we had 4, they all slept on the bed together and ran together and rarely did we have any problems. We added a puppy and things were still going ok, just really crowded. However, one day our youngest girl decided she was all grown up and didn't want to be bossed around anymore by our 'wanna-be' alpha. Neither of them was a true alpha. We managed to defuse the situation, but a month later it happened again. The girls could never be together again. In fact, the tri developed a predjudice against all red girls after that! Both girls were terrific with people and with Basenji males and even with males and females of other breeds.
    I had 2 intact males, brothers, who stayed together with absolutely no problem for almost 4 years until one went to another home. They even got along during season.


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