Test Strips - Bayer Clinistix - comments on these strips

  • This was posted on another list that I am on and thought that I would pass this along to ones here. It is about using Bayer Clinistix for testing and why this person will no long use them.

    "I changed the testing strips that I used last
    week, and I want to tell you all, DO NOT BUY THESE STRIPS. I got Bayer
    Clinistix for urine glucose testing. The strips have a pink test patch, and
    there are only 3 results you can get, pink (neutral or negative) light
    purple (medium spillage) and dark purple (heavy spillage). The instructions
    say to check the results at 10 seconds, and disregard any results after 10
    seconds. When they say 10 seconds, they mean EXACTLY 10 seconds. The
    instructions also say to swipe the test strip on the edge of your container
    to remove any excess. Well, doing this will make your test more than 10
    seconds, and will skew the results. I did the test 5 times in 2 days and
    got 5 different results. If you use these, you have to dip the strip and
    start the test EXACTLY at the same time to get an accurate reading, and if
    you go longer than 10 seconds, even by one second, you will get inaccurate
    results, because the strips will start changing at 10 seconds and will
    continue to change until they read the maximum reading. DO NOT BUY OR USE

  • That is odd. LOL I thought, let me test mine (I am diabetic), but mine are the diastix, with several color codes. But I will do 5 sticks in the morning with different methods (time, wipe don't wipe) and see if it matters to those.

    She really should contact the company. It is possible she has a faulty batch.

  • @DebraDownSouth:

    That is odd. LOL I thought, let me test mine (I am diabetic), but mine are the diastix, with several color codes. But I will do 5 sticks in the morning with different methods (time, wipe don't wipe) and see if it matters to those.

    She really should contact the company. It is possible she has a faulty batch.

    The diastix are different then the Clinistix, even though from the same company (Bayer) or so I was told by the person that wrote about this.

  • Yeah must be Pat, since her sticks use only 3 levels and the ones I have use 5 I think? Still, be interesting to test and see if different.

  • That's strange, I've been using Clinistix for about 3 years now and the only problems I've had was a couple false positives that I could explain….I get a little lazy now and then.
    Using these I caught Apache spilling super early. Dr. Gonto even said I caught him SO early that an argument could have been made to not even start him on the protocol....but we did of course.

  • Lynn, did you use the same one she is using? I use a different one.

    I forgot to post.

    In the interest of testing :)… I didn't take my nightly lantus (long acting insulin), which runs me up to nearly 250 by morning. I tested 5 strips, all were almost exactly the same color, within same area, so at least the bottle I have is darned accurate.

  • I use the Clinistix because to me there was a more drastic change in the colors. There's only 3 color variations and it goes from pink to purple..not green to a little darker green in the first color change.

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