Bring your paperwork that the breeder gave you to your first visit because they will want to know some things like birth date, always (in the first year or so when lots of shots are administered) bring the vaccination record book Pam and Sheila gave you and ensure they make a copy of it and not just write it will also want to update your copy as your pup receive shots so like I said..bring it so they can fill it in for you. Any questions you have regarding vaccinations I highly suggest asking your vet but also getting in touch with Pam to ask her opinion, she knows her dogs and her lines and she is better equipped than the vet to give you an honest evaluation on which to give. Also try to follow her guidance on neutering and spaying (if you plan to). I know with Oakley I followed their advice. It might be true or not but in my opinion basenjis tend to mature slower and I find they need more time for the growth plates to close before castrating is a wise choice.
Basenji Sitter Available :)
I am in Oklahoma and have recently gotten into a new home with a LARGE fenced yard (Anubis loves it). Im more than happy to Basenji Sit for anyone who needs a sitter that lives in OK. I have lotsa room to run and plenty of nice walking places. (I live next to Lake Ellsworth). Feel free to PM me or reply to this post if you need a Basenji Sitter Im sure Anubis would love another B to play with for a few days. I am also Self Employed so I am here all day so there's PLENTY of play time and PLENTY of outside time as well
What a nice offer. I wish I had someone closer to my place to take Wheat a few days a week so she could run.
Yeah if you lived closer Id totally watch Wheat while you were at work or something. My yard is very large and totally secure so they are safe and can play and run.
How close are you to Edmonds?
Im maybe an hr and a half away from Edmond. I live just outside of Lawton. Call me if you're interested. Five Eight Oh - Nine One Seven - Five Three Eight Eight it is my cell.
If it was me Distance wouldnt matter if it was a responsible sitter My Anubis is very spoiled and well cared for. I have a lab mix puppy he has fun with too. She's 6mo. Im work at home so I am here all the time. My babies come in when it's too warm out…when they are out there's shade and lotsa cold clean water to drink.
I will send my bro your number… not sure what they have planned for the summer, but they have a 10yo retired dual champion that spends her days lounging the house and may need a sitter if they travel in the summer.
That works! Feel free to send them my number. She'd be very well cared for here