wow! thanks for sharing, troubling isn't it? very good investigative work.
Alleged or not, that camera video was spot on….
Too bad for the poor pets that have been through this or have died because of the lack of care in some airlines
I will copy this link and pass it on!
Good for you to do this for the dogs.
I always consider the dogs in shelters the lucky one.
Its the ones who are homeless and living by their wits I worry so very much about.
I can't tell you how many pills I've wasted trying to get Senji to take his pills. Even when I hide them in a ball of ground up meat and mix it in with his food, he SMELLS the pill in there and eats everything around it, but leaves the balls with the pills in them. Sometimes I make a few "decoy" balls to try to fool him, but he knows the difference.
Fortunately bloat is more prevalent in the larger dogs,but can happen to any size. Friends with Great Danes were advised by their vet to use elevated feeders, saying that there is less gulping of air if the food is at the correct height. While I am not too worried about bloat, I got elevated feeders and my dogs like them. A small thing to do that helps with digestion.