• I love the first picture! They look like they are in the wild (minus the collars lol)

  • First Basenji's

    dmey, there's got to be a way to network amongst other Basenji owners on the island and see if you can form a meetup group! Local dog shows? Postings at local dog parks? Community online message boards?

    I definitely feel lucky (and spoiled) to have so many wonderful dog parks in the area. I have the choice of… at least a dozen off-leash dog parks within a 30 minute driving range. And that's only counting the ones that we've been to! At least four of them are as gorgeous as this one, overlooking the Bay.

    Driving in my city today, I spotted yet ANOTHER basenji that was not at the meetup and whom I've never seen before. Would've pulled up to say hi to her person if they weren't walking alongside a busy street...

  • Beautiful pictures 🙂

  • Does the SF meetup have a FB page or something ? Mom and Dad want to go sometime!

  • First Basenji's

    Hi Schouiffy,
    No FB page, but the link to the meetup site is here:

    It would be lovely if they could make it sometime.

  • Houston

    How awesome..love all the "kids" running around..great pictures..We are jealous, Pippin and I..nothing like that here..

  • Wonderful photos! I have been to Ft. Funston, it is amazing, so many beautiful parks int he SF area!

  • Too bad that they are going to close Ft Funston to off leash dogs…. It was a great place run off leash.

  • First Basenji's

    Tanza, I would be shocked if that happened. I don't know specifically about what's happening at Ft. Funston, as we don't get to go on that side of the bay as often (parks under the jurisdiction of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area), but there has been a LOT of petition activity circulating to preserve East Bay sites that are currently in danger of having off-leash privileges revoked. Here's one page that has a link to the petition:


    And here's a couple more, including an FB page:

  • I would not be shocked, only because one of my puppy owners is involved with trying to keep it off leash and her take is that it will not happen…. she is pretty sure they will be kicked out and it will become on leash only....

  • Taking my friend's Husky to Ft. Funston is my best memory of a trip to SF! I thought it was canine paradise on earth, I do hope it stays off-leash. If it were in Florida, it would have been condos long ago…..no dogs allowed.
    Good luck with the petitions.

  • Oh how the pictures made me smile and laugh! There is nothing better to look at than a bunch o' basenjis. What happy little characters they are!

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