Welcome to you, so lucky they are, thanks for them.
Welcome, and thank you for taking care of the special old ones in need.
I never understood the specialized needs of the elderly until my sister visited with her senile Llhas. Poor little guy was so disoriented in my house (reduced eyesight also). We realized (a few days later) scent was his comfort factor. Sis emptied out her suitcase but left a T-shirt and "Taz" slept there for the rest of his visit. It was heartbreaking and enlightening at the same time.
Thanks for the welcome!
This is our Mr. Calvin, sleeping in his bed…
He looks like a sweet ol' guy!;)
Welcome to the forum from Christiane in France! I haven't been in touch for a while now and I am really pleased to connect and welcome a new member.
Anubie who is sitting next to me is sending a big hello too! -
Bashir- what a cool name! Welcome to the forums!
I was just revisiting this old thread I posted a while back. I haven't been on this forum much, but looking at a picture of my Mr. Calvin made me cry a little.
We had to help Mr. Calvin cross over the Rainbow Bridge last year. He was 18 years old. We miss him a lot.