• Hi everyone. So glad to have found this forum. I am a new Basenji person, having acquired a 3 month old female pup one month ago. I will try to share a photo.

  • Welcome to both of you! What's her name! Such a sweet little face with those wrinkles!

  • Welcome, you must have good taste you have a black and white. I love those black and white faces.

  • oh, she is sooooo cute!

  • Welcome, where did you little cutie come from? Many of us are related by our Basenjis.

  • Welcome to you and your b/w girlie.

  • Welcome Holly! Your little one is gorgeous! I look forward to hearing more about her.
    You'll enjoy this forum. It is a great comfort and education.

  • Hello, welcome to the forum

  • what a cutie! please tell us more

  • Dear All,
    Thank you for your warm response. My little black and white puppy is named Binti. I am ashamed to say that she was an impromptu purchase, and EVERYTHING that I have learned about Basenji's has come since I bought her. Thank goodness for a page about how to live with your basenji that I found on the Rugosa Basenji website, as I was becoming quite concerned about the dominant and slightly aggressive behavior she can exhibit-at such a young age! I have been following the suggestions and things are much better as long as I don't let up. Hindsight being what it is, I wish I had not acted impulsively and had contacted serious breeders. However, I love her dearly and am grateful to have all you fellow basenji lovers to share with and learn from. (I just want to say that I did NOT get her from Rogusa Basenji's–I wish!!!---I got her off of Puppyfind.com)

  • ah, well, what's done is done and now you have better info for when you get your next basenji. πŸ˜‰ feel free to ask all sorts of questions; there are quite a few basenji people in florida

  • @agilebasenji:

    ah, well, what's done is done and now you have better info for when you get your next basenji. πŸ˜‰ feel free to ask all sorts of questions; there are quite a few basenji people in florida

    Agree… you should consider doing the DNA test for Fanconi

  • I will get the Fanconi test done. Do they have to be a certain age?

    Also, another question. I am leaving with my children in 3 weeks for a month in California. I think that Binti is far too young to leave behind and so I am going to take her with us. Because of this I figure it is a good idea to get the Bordetella (sp) shot. She had her 4th Parvo/Distemper this last Tuesday. Is this Sunday too early to get her Bordetella? And, since I have read that Basenji's are sensitive to shots, should I get the nose squirt or the injection?

    Thanks for any advice. (I am trying to put another photo of her in this note, but can't seem to figure out how to do it from here. I'll try from the main page tomorrow.)

  • She is lovely; I am partial to black and white basenjis!
    Are near the Tampa area? We have a nice basenji group that meets every Sunday morning at a lovely big dog park and would love to meet you and Binti.

  • First Basenji's

    Hi there! Binti is VERY cute. And I think it's lovely that you're going to take her traveling with you. The sooner you get them acclimated to traveling, the better, in my opinion – even if it's not always easy traveling with pets! Hopefully you will find California to be a very dog-friendly state, as I do.

    Not sure about the shots that you should consider, though it sounds like you're being thoughtful about advance preparations. I would also consider having her chipped, if she isn't already. Pets may be a little more skittish when they're away from familiar territory, and heaven forbid an accident were to happen and she slipped loose -- how would she find her way home?

  • Thanks for the info. Having her chipped is a GREAT idea. I was going to wait until she was spayed, but I will have it done before we leave.

    And, I would love to come to Tampa to meet you and others and their basenji's! Unforunately I live more than 2 hours away. But who knows? Maybe someday.

    Thank you again everyone for such a warm welcome!!

    Now I need to figure out how to put Binti's photo next to my name. Wish me well! :o)

  • Maybe you can do a 'road trip' one day, or some of us could meet you half-way, if there is a good park there. We used to do the 'traveling basenji show' and visit parks from Gainsville to Sarasota, till we found a great large park here. So other than a couple of trips to a nice park in Clearwater, we stick to the 'same old, same old' park every week.

  • Fanconi DNA test is a cheek swab that you order and do yourself. You order from www.offa.org. Check out https://www.basenji.org/joomla/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=66:fanconi-faq&catid=119:endowment4&Itemid=294
    Also if you would like to share the Sire and Dam, many of us are related by our Basenjis

  • Thanks for the link to the Fanconi testing. I will send for the kit and get Binti tested.

    And, it would be so much fun to meet up with you guys and your basenji's. Until I got Binti, I had only ever even seen 2 of them in my life! I am a single mom to a 10 and 14 year old, and that puts severe time restraints on my schedule!!:) But perhaps someday it could happen. I am in Mt. Dora.

    I am working on her behavior. She is a doll as long as we keep very strictly to the 'nothing is for free' idea. If we don't, and we get a bit giddy over how adorable and wonderful and fabulous and funny and loveable she is and pet and love on her all the time, she quickly gets bossy and growly and snappy. Not fun. So, we must restrain ourselves from gushing!!!

    The lady I bought her from is still waiting on the registration papers from AKC. I do know that her sire's name is Texas Wallering Poker and her dam's name is China Mu Shue Black Lady. I have no knowledge of any generations behind this. Does anyone recognize these names? They are from an application to an ACA registration. I had never heard of this registering body before.

    Again, thanks for the warm welcome!

  • Well, looks like the sire is not AKC (American Kennel Club) registered but the Dam is not. You will not get AKC registration papers, so if she told you that, I think that was a bit of a fib. She gave you an application for ACA (which is a made up registery for people who don't follow AKC requirements). Likely that is the only paperwork you will receive

    None of the dogs in the Sire's pedigree have been tested, so for sure you should do the DNA test on your pup.

    You can find the sire on Sally Wallis's pedigree site at http://www.pedigrees.zandebasenjis.com/ and seach by the sire's name. I just used Wallering and found him. You will note that he has no registration number, but is sired by an AKC sire and AKC Dam.

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